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The public version of Dimensions allows you to search for publications, and access information about:

  • Publications, citation information, and researcher profiles
  • Linked information: publications contextualised with grants, patents, clinical trials and more
  • A range of metrics including the Relative Citation Ratio (RCR), Field Citation Ratio (FCR), Citation count, Recent Citations and Altmetrics.
  • Access to open access articles

Metrics in Dimensions include:

  • The Relative Citation Ratio (RCR) indicates the relative citation performance of an article when compared to other articles in its area of research, as defined by the subject area of the articles that cite it. A value of more than 1.0 shows a citation rate above average for this group.
  • The Field Citation Ratio (FCR) indicates the relative citation performance of an article, when compared to similarly-aged articles in its subject area. A value of more than 1.0 shows citation above average for this group, when defined by Field of Research Subject Code, publishing year and age.
  • Citations is the number of times that this paper has been cited by other published papers in the database.
  • The Recent Citations value is the number of citations that were received in the last two years, with the value reset at the beginning of the calendar year. It is available for documents that are more than 2 years old, and indicates whether an article is currently being cited.
  • The Altmetric Attention Score


  1. Access the public Dimensions search page
  2. Search for an article on your research topic and use the options on the left to limit the results to the last five years
  3. Click on an article that has received some citations and/or an Altmetric score.
  4. How does this article compare to others in the same field? Click on the ‘Dimensions Badge’ (on the right of screen) to see citation data.

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