FrontierSI Workshop 8 November

08 November 2018, 2-4pm, networking reception 4-5pm
RMIT University, Garden Building, 10.06.89 (enter from Bowen Street)


Launched on July 1st 2018, FrontierSI is the successor entity of the CRC for Spatial Information (CRCSI). This workshop will give you a chance to hear first-hand from the new FrontierSI team about their strategy and research program and from key FrontierSI industry and government stakeholders, DELWP, Position Partners, and Symbolix, about their priorities and goals. The Workshop will be of interest to any RMIT researchers who are interested to find out how you can collaborate through FrontierSI on applied research problems important to industry and government. Registration is essential as space is limited. The Workshop webpage has more information and registration.