GSP-SV-02: Waste Resource Recovery – Market Prices of Recovered Materials

Project title: Waste Resource Recovery – Market Prices of Recovered Materials

Project aim: To investigate global and local markets for recovered waste materials and map long term trends in commodity prices against existing Victorian/Australian material recovery data and provide the findings in an MS Excel workbook. Options for integration of the data into the Waste Data Projection Model (WDPM) will be explored.

Industry partnerSustainability Victoria

Sustainability Victoria supports Victorians to be more sustainable in their everyday life; in homes and in jobs, schools and communities and in the systems and infrastructure that support a thriving Victorian economy and lifestyle. SV aims to improve the way Victoria manages its resources and help communities to take action on climate change. SV provide expert advice and guidance in energy, materials and waste. SV conducts research and demonstrate what is possible and inspires people to make sustainable change above and beyond legal requirements.

recovered waste

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