GSP-VP-02: Small-scale Solar Installation to Victoria Police Sites Feasibility Study

Project title: Small-scale Solar Installation to Victoria Police Sites Feasibility Study

Project aim: To develop a recommended path for the roll-out of commercial solar photovoltaic installations across Victoria Police smaller electricity consuming sites. This study will include an assessment of suitability and financial attractiveness of smaller-scale solar to Victoria Police sites, the prioritisation of identified sites to have solar photovoltaic arrays installed and shortlisting of preferred sites and a rollout profile over time illustrating installed capacity, likely annual generation, avoided scope-2 greenhouse gas emissions, capital outlay, and savings realised.

Industry partnerVictoria Police

Victoria Police provides policing services to the Victorian community across 54 Police Service Areas (PSAs), within 21 divisions and four regions – North West Metro, Southern Metro, Eastern and Western. These regional boundaries correspond with those of other Victorian government departments, enhancing cross-department service delivery, particularly in the area of emergency management.

police station

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