GSP-SV-10: Unlocking Innovative Finance – Finance Option Fact Sheets

Industry partner: Sustainability Victoria (SV)

Sustainability Victoria (SV) supports Victorians to be more sustainable in their everyday life; in their homes, jobs, schools and communities and in the systems and infrastructure that support a thriving Victorian economy and lifestyle. Sustainability Victoria aims to improve the way Victoria manages its resources and helps its communities to take action on climate change. Sustainability Victoria provides expert advice and guidance about energy, materials and waste and conducts research that demonstrates what is possible and inspires people to make sustainable change above and beyond legal requirements.

Project aim:

The aim of the project is to develop a series of fact sheets about the financing options available for local businesses and not-for-profits organisations to invest in energy projects. The project is part of larger SV project which seeks to identify the barriers faced by Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and Not-For-Profit (NFPs) to invest in energy efficiency using available finance. One of the key findings from the research so far is that SMEs and NFPs typically do not have the knowledge of the finance options available to them for energy projects.

Project tasks:

Key project tasks include:

  • Summarise the existing research on barriers to energy efficiency for SMEs.
  • Identify existing and emerging financial options for energy projects available to businesses and NFPs in Victoria.
  • Summarise existing information about financial options to a single page (per option) and provide enough high level detail for each heading of a prescribed fact sheet template.

NB: The target audience for the fact sheets will be SMEs and NFPs

Project deliverables:

  • Summary of barriers that SMEs face in adopting energy efficiency into their businesses
  • Draft fact sheets on all available financial options

Student selection:

  • Key attributes include excellent written communication skills, independence, decision making, good interpersonal/verbal communication, organisational/planning prioritising/time management/ability to meet deadlines.
  • Suitable for Business, Sustainable Systems and Sustainable Energy Engineering, Engineering Management students.



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