RMIT School of Art is hosting the Art Education Conference 2023 Friday 7 July.
Details here: Conference 2023 | Art Education Victoria (

Dr Alison Bennett, co-lead of the IF_LAB, is presenting a 90-minute workshop: Stepping into webXR and augmented reality

“In this workshop we will take some beginner steps into the realm of webXR (extended reality) and augmented reality. WebXR gives us access to the 3D and spatialised potential of the internet, extending into online VR and AR. Please bring a laptop computer and a mobile device such as a mobile phone or ipad. We will be using a webXR called Styly. Before the workshop, we ask you to create an account and download the App to your mobile phone or iPad.”

The slides for the workshop are here:
AEV_Conference_2023 Alison Bennett web xr.pptx



1. Connect to wifi.
LINK: WiFi on campus – RMIT University

2. Create a STYLY account & install on your phone.
LINK: STYLY – Real metaverse platform

3. Create a POLYCAM account & install on your phone.
LINK: Polycam – LiDAR & 3D Scanner for iPhone & Android

QR marker linking to augmented reality on Styly app for Alison Bennett ‘Seed Systems: Speculative Ecologies in XR Art’, SOMA Art Space, Berlin, 9-30 Sept 2022.


Alison Bennett | artist working in expanded photography & digital media 

vegetal/digital’, 2022 | Alison Bennett

vegetal/digital as AR by Alison Bennett, in Seed Systems: Speculative Ecologies in XR Art Today (

on the other hand | Hubs by Mozilla by Martina Menegon

Martina Menegon artist folio

Mozilla Hubs – In Kepler’s Gardens ( 2020

IMPOSSIBLE — ▋▅▉▝▊ || beyond resolution by Rosa Menkman

The BLOB of Im/Possible Images, by Rosa Menkman (

CIVA Festival 2023 | Intangible Care XR art festival

Augmented catalog – ISEA2023 – SYMBIOSIS ( webXR

Lynette Wallworth



Tutorial to learn how to create and publish scenes – STYLY

AEV Workshop: Stepping into webXR

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