Course Guide: VART 3690 Workshop 3 & VART 3692 Workshop 5 (co-taught)
Lecturer: Virginia Lo
Course Coordinator: –
Day: Thursday: 1/2/2024 – 2/5/2024
Time: 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Delivery mode:
Location: Hong Kong Art School
In this advanced painting workshop, you will gain knowledge and experience in established and experimental painting techniques, skills and concepts. You will experience a wide range of materials and production processes to create artworks relating to painting with an emphasis on experimentation, conceptual development and studio research. The course is structured through demonstrations & technical experimentation followed by generalised thematic projects and advanced individual self-directed projects. The technical experiments enable you to produce works that complement your own studio practice. Ideas include: the preparation and use of supports and grounds for a variety of painting methods including oil, acrylic and water colour, working from observation, colour and grisaille, tonal painting, the contemporary portrait and still-life, under-painting and glazing. Major contemporary themes include the relationship of painting to photography, hybrid painting, painting deconstruction and painting and materiality. Individual and group tutorials, discussion and feedback sessions, studio demonstrations and studio health and safety complement this painting workshop.
image caption: Virginia Lo, Exit 2021, 2021