image: name, ‘title’, year, medium. Photographer:
Course Guide: VART3627
Lecturer: Jody Haines, Dr Ruth DeSouza and specialist guest lecturers
Course Coordinator: name and email
Day: Thursday
Time: 10:30am-1:30pm
Delivery mode:
Location: 6.2.3
This course invites you to develop a reflective relationship to the knowledge systems of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The course takes a practice-based approach to learning and will actively involve you in thinking about, questioning and exploring a range of responses to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ ways of knowing, being and doing as critical knowledge systems.
A focus on your own subject position and relationship with First Peoples’ sovereignty will be vital in forming a personal response and considering the broader implications of the conceptual frameworks for your creative practice.
Upon successful completion of this course, you will be able to:
- Develop an understanding of creative practice in relation to place, culture and history on unceded land.
- Critically reflect on and evaluate assumptions, biases and methods in your creative practice in response to your location, situation and relationship with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander custodianship.
- Through creative practice locate and situate yourself in relation to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledge systems.
The course will be delivered collaboratively with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and will include a range of activities including workshops, demonstrations, practical activities, field trips, tutorials, lectures and group discussions. You will engage in a range of learning activities that explore creative methods for developing an understanding of First Nations perspectives, world views and lifeways as important knowledge systems.
The creative outcomes produced will be featured in an end of semester exhibition in the School of Art’s IDEA space.