Interaction, be it via our personal data or the sensing of our bodily movement through technology, has become ubiquitous within contemporary living, but what does it mean to make these movements and interactions and how does this technology influence our engagement with the world? 

In this course you will explore how to merge artistic vision with responsive technologies in Art, Data and Interactive Technology. You will be encouraged to experiment with various forms of interactivity to expand the possibilities for audience encounter and engagement in your creative practice. You will learn to use a combination of real-world inputs, such as motion detection, and digital-world inputs, such as the collation of data, to create dynamic and responsive artworks.  

This course will also familiarise you with a variety of interactive platforms and hardware relevant to this form of creative practice. In addition to engaging in experimentation and iterative testing, you will establish appropriate workflow strategies from development through to presentation.  

Alongside building technical capacity, you will also critically engage with historical and contemporary frameworks of interactive media, positioning your work within broader art and technology discourse. 

This course introduces key RMIT capabilities and sets the foundation for a continuum of professional skills for the creative industries. 

Art, Data and Interactive Technologies 
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