Course Guide: VART3511
Lecturer: Bronislaw De Wilmesau-Kozka
Course Coordinator: name and email
Day: N/A
Time: N/A
Delivery mode: Online
Location: N/A
This course you will investigate how photography functions within a fine art context. It is a fully integrated online course, where you will be able to navigate the course materials independently. The course will provide you with an overview of historical and contemporary photographic ideas and practice. ou will be exposed to a diverse range of significant local and international artists who draw upon a variety of photographic technologies in their practice, and investigate the language of photography and how it informs fine art photographic image making. The course provides you with opportunities to respond to lectures and explore ways of processing and articulating your own ideas with photographic techniques through digital SLR camera craft and digital software editing processes. Practical activities aim to engage you in applying photographic discourse to your contemporary art practice.