Creative Practice as Civil Action in Nepal
Course Guide: Global Art Intensive: Nepal
Lecturer: Dr Alan Hill
Course Coordinator: Dr Alan Hill alan.hill@rmit.edu.au
Day: 9-27 November 2024
Delivery mode: face to face; 27-40 students
Location: Kathmandu, Nawalpur and Dharan, NepalCreative practice as Civil Action is an RMIT global intensive workshop in Nepal run in collaboration with leading creative practice education institutions in the region — photo.circle (Nepal) and Pathshala (Bangladesh).
photo.circle and Pathshala are global leaders in rethinking how creative practices can operate as forms of civil action. In this workshop, students from Pathshala, photo.circle and RMIT will collaborate with three local groups in Nepal — KTK Belt, Jatayu Vulture Restaurant and the residents of Khokana – who work across biodiversity conservation and environmental learning and Indigenous activism.
Together we will build on photo.circle’s existing collaborations with these groups to develop creative outcomes that practically support their ongoing work, through listening, learning, sharing perspectives and skills exchange. You will be part of a transdisciplinary team co-creating outcomes with peers and partners. The project would suit (but is not limited to) students from art, photography, global or development studies, architecture, design, sound, media, communication, creative writing and/or journalism. Partial scholarships are available through New Colombo Plan for eligible students.
more information
Building on successful workshops in 2016 & 2018 this is the third iteration of this program. The workshop will take place in various locations in Nepal from 9-27 November 2024 and is a 12 Credit Point RMIT elective.After arriving in Kathmandu we will familiarise ourselves with our context and gather for a pre-fieldwork symposium led by local experts and guest mentors from Nov 11-14. This will enable us to get to know our peers and partners and begin to unpack the questions of working across cultural, institutional and disciplinary boundaries.
After the symposium we will divide into three teams and undertake intensive infield collaborations across three locations from Nov 16-24. The three locations are: Khokana (near Kathmandu), Nawalpur (for Jatayu Vulture Restaurant) and Dharan (for KTK Belt). We will then return to Kathmandu to share and reflect on the work and learning we have done.
Partners & StaffThe project is a partnership between RMIT, photo.cirlce – a grassroots, Kathmandu-based photography and visual culture platform, education centre and citizen archive – and Pathshala South Asian Media Institute – a photography and media education institution based in Dhaka, Bangladesh. The program is led by photo.circle (Nepal) and Alan Hill & Kelly Hussey-Smith from RMIT School of Art, along with academic staff and mentors from photo.circle and Pathshala including NayanTara Gurung Kakshapati, Diwas Raja k.c, Sagar Chhetri, Shehab Uddin, Saydia Gulrukh and Taslima Akhter.
Student Testimonial
The Doing Visual Politics workshop was an exciting and challenging intensive dedicated to creating and communicating through social engagement with the world. It was unique in bringing together international students and practitioners with diverse backgrounds and interests with a shared focus on visual storytelling. Having these peers helped us understand the region, connect us with locals, and navigate us through various social structures, interactions and differences.
Through the workshop, we had access to an open and supportive community who we could approach for different skills and perspectives, and to receive feedback and critique throughout our various projects. I have become more aware of the broader context in which I operate, of ethical and representational responsibility, and have made great friends to share this with throughout my life. – Sinead Kennedy
There will be an information session held online on Monday 22 July 12:30-1:30pm.
2024 Art Global Intensive: Japan
Program Leader: Nicholas Bastin & Jazmina Cininas
Email: nicholas.bastin@rmit.edu.au / jazmina.cininas@rmit.edu.au
Dates: 15 – 29 June 2024 plus travel
Availability: 25-30 places (FULLY BOOKED)
Location: Japan
The Art Global Intensive: Japan 2023 (HUS1072), is an undergraduate University student elective comprising a two-week study tour of Japan, supplemented by activities on RMIT City Campus either side of the tour. Japanese destinations on the Art Global Intensive include:
· Art museums and outdoor sculpture installations on the Art Islands of Naoshima and Teshima
· Traditional and contemporary museums in the historical city of Kyoto
· Contemporary art galleries in cosmopolitan Tokyo
· The mountain village of Higashichichibu, where you will learn traditional papermaking and wood block printing in workshops by Japanese masters at Washi no Sato.
Prior to travel to Japan, there will be an online pre-travel briefing and a face-to-face workshop, during which you will prepare pages for a sketchbook, which will be bound using the Japanese Retchousou binding technique in Japan. You will use this portable sketchbook, alongside digital documentation, to record your Japanese experiences and encounters. Assessment tasks include the creation of a travel blog that evaluates and reflects upon your time in Japan, the completed sketchbook, and the production of an original artwork that responds to your cultural, artistic and social experiences of Japan.
Image: The Art Global Intensive: Japan Led by Dr Nicholas Bastin and Dr Jazmina Cininas, Naoshima Art island and travel through Japan 2023
More information: RMIT Global Experiences
2024 Art & Photography Global Intensive: China
Image: A street scene in Shanghai and the Terracotta Warriors located in Xi’an, China
Program Lead: Associate Professor Shane Hulbert
Email: shane.hulbert@rmit.edu.au
Dates: 22 June – 07 July 2024
Availability 17-22 places
Location: China
This study tour is designed to provide on the ground experience of China through a range of locations, activities and workshops. With a focus on contemporary art, photography and museum practices, the course is suitable for students from any of the School of Art programs (also available as a university elective for a small number of non-Art students – see Eligiblity and Academic credit tab on the RMIT Outbound website for more info – see link below).
This tour travels to Shanghai, Xi’an and Beijing and involves workshops & practical activities, walking tours, gallery & museum tours, partnerships with students from Chinese Universities.
For more information visit RMIT Global Experiences
The RMIT Global Experiences website is HERE. The archive of RMIT School of Art Global Intensives is HERE.