Course Guide: VART1316
Lecturer: Sarah Tomasetti
Course Coordinator: name and email
Day: Monday
Delivery mode:
Location: 2.3.04
This elective will give you an elementary understanding of the concepts and materials and contexts used in the production of paintings. You will be encouraged to experiment with and respond to materials; develop an awareness of visual perception and intuitive sensibilities; and see painting as a self-reflexive ongoing practice, which may link to your major area of study.
You will extend your knowledge regarding Painting through experimentation with different painting supports; preparation of grounds; various painting media; colour mixing; colour theory; compositional and spatial considerations. Studio based learning via projects and instruction sessions where you will be producing paintings, drawings and collages. There will be individual consultations with the lecturer involving feedback and appraisal on exercises and self-directed projects where appropriate.
Advanced projects are negotiated with students with a greater experience in the subject. The course is supported by individual visual research, including the production of a visual diary. Group tutorials, critiques, demonstrations, student presentations and gallery visits. Methods of Production, Health and Safety will be experienced.