GSP-CSRD: Waste Management in Hue City, Vietnam

Project context:

Vietnam is one of Asia’s five worst polluters of ocean plastic waste.  With 13 million tons of waste released to the ocean every year, the country ranks 17th in the world for ocean plastic waste pollution.

Hue is located in central Vietnam and is currently facing plastic waste management problems with rapidly increasing amounts of waste contributing to immense environmental degradation. In Hue, 275 tons of solid waste are collected every day and the escalating amounts of solid waste reflect the poor regulation and behavioral norms of a rapidly urbanized city. It also produces nearly 20 tons of plastic waste every day, but waste separation at source only accounts for 30% of domestic waste at present. A master plan for waste management until 2030 (Master Plan 2030) has been developed with a target of 100% waste separation by 2050.

Community awareness about plastic pollution is low and recycling of waste is limited. The municipal SWM system comprises a formal sector with privately owned processing and landfill facilities, alongside a traditional and informal sector that remains prominent within the city. This unregulated yet organized informal system operates through waste collected by independent ‘collectors’ and ‘pickers’, who then sell it to privately owned junk shops. This informal waste management sector is comprised of vulnerable communities, predominantly women of lower socioeconomic status, who need the work to support their families financially.  The importance of their roles is rarely acknowledged by the formal waste sector, which prevents these women from developing their working lives or their incomes.  This project can make an important contribution to supporting the Master Plan’s objectives.

Project aim:

  • Identify solutions for source separation at home
  • Develop a business model for informal sector led by women working on collecting and selling recyclables

Expected outputs/outcomes:

  • Design a pilot collection route for recyclables in 01 ward of Hue city
  • Provide a pilot initiative for collecting floating litter on the river/canal
  • An overview report on plastic/recyclable market in Vietnam
  • Suggest/set up an apps for local women-led business models in informal sector

 Project deliverables:

 No. Main Deliverable Description Estimated Timing
1 Project Plan Students discuss with RMIT academic supervisors and CSRD about a detailed project plan. February 2021
2 Literature Review in Melbourne Students review relevant literature. March – May 2021
3 Field Work in Hue, Vietnam


Students collect data in collaboration with CSRD staff. May – August 2021
6 Final report Final Report and Presentation on research findings. Oct 2021


  • Students will receive a semester grant from New Colombo Plan funding to cover data collection costs.
  • Only undergraduate Australian citizens are eligible for project funding.


Students submit CVs and latest academic transcripts to Nina Nguyen at:

GSP-CSRD: Developing flood resilient building code guidelines for coastal areas in Thua Thien Hue, Vietnam

Project context and aim:

Like many other regions in South-East-Asia, Thua Thien Hue province in central Vietnam has been repeatedly affected by severe flooding in recent decades. Thua Thien Hue is a coastal province facing flood risk from the sea, rivers and heavy rainfall, which often occur in combination. The most important river in the province is the Huong (Perfume) River that flows into the Tam Giang Lagoon, which is the largest lagoon in South-East Asia, and eventually drains into the Pacific. The Tam Giang Lagoon and adjacent coastal areas are the basis for the livelihoods for many poor and vulnerable people, who directly depend on their natural resources, such as fishermen and farmers. Of the 1.31 million people currently inhabiting the province of Hue, 491,000 reside in 32 communes along the lagoon and the coast. Between 1975 and 2005, 40 flood events occurred in the province that especially impacted the low-lying coastal plains. In addition to the chronic stress and major shocks caused by flood hazards and resulting coastal erosion, a range of societal factors undermine the resilience of already vulnerable groups of society such as poor and women. These groups have little social and financial capital to resist (or: absorb) external shocks, to quickly recover (or: bounce back) in case absorption capacity is exceeded, and to learn from these events for enhancing their future resilience. A significant proportion of Hue’s coastal population has unstable livelihoods and lack financial savings to handle shocks or disruptions. Additional factors include the fast disappearance of coastal ecosystems due to economic activities such as shrimp farming, increasing pressure on natural resources due to population growth. In the future, resilience of coastal communities is expected to be further deteriorated due to the projected effects of climate change on the frequency and intensity of storms and floods as well as sea-level rise,3if no additional and more sustainable disaster risk management and adaptation approaches are adopted.

The 2020 Central Vietnam floods were a collection of floods in Central Vietnam which also affected some areas in Cambodia and Laos in October and early November 2020. The floods focus heavily in several provinces including Thừa Thiên Huế, Hà Tĩnh, Quảng Bình, Quảng Trị, and Quảng Ngãi. The floods were mainly caused by the seasonal monsoon, though enhanced by numerous tropical cyclones. Beginning in 7 October during a seasonal monsoon and tropical depressions over the Khánh Hòa province, several multitude of tropical cyclones during the 2020 Pacific typhoon season, such as Linfa, Nangka, Ofel, Saudel, and Molave, struck the northern and central regions of Vietnam, especially in areas of Laos and Cambodia, bringing high winds and excessive rainfall in these affected provinces, with accumulations peaked at 3,245 mm (127.75 in) in Hướng Linh, Hướng Hóa District, Quảng Trị around 20 October. This subsequent flooding was the first time Vietnam issued IV category disaster alert for heavy rainfall, as III category is the highest alert level.[9] On 5 November, weakening Typhoon Goni entered the South China Sea and made landfall in Central Vietnam two days later as a tropical depression. Etau made landfall in Central Vietnam as a tropical storm three days later. On 12 November, Typhoon Vamco approached Vietnam as it gradually strengthened into Category 4-equivalent status after exiting the Philippine Area of Responsibility. As of 15 November 2020, the floods has resulted in over 233 fatalities, 66 people missing and a damage of properties equivalent to VND35.2 trillion (US$1.52 billion).

Project aim:

To develop a flood resilient building code guidelines for coastal area in Thua Thien Hue province.


Expected outcomes:

  • A report on current status of housing in coastal area of Hue with analysis of flood resilient capacity;
  • A recommended flood resilient building code for coastal areas.

 Project deliverables:

 No. Main Deliverable Description Estimated Timing
1 Project Plan Students discuss with RMIT academic supervisors and CSRD about a detailed project plan. February 2021
2 Literature Review in Melbourne Students review relevant literature. March – May 2021
3 Field Work in Hue, Vietnam


Students collect data in collaboration with CSRD staff. May – August 2021
6 Final report Final Report and Presentation on research findings. Oct 2021



  • Students will receive a semester grant from New Colombo Plan funding to cover data collection costs.
  • Only undergraduate Australian citizens are eligible for project funding.


  • Students submit CVs and latest academic transcripts to Nina Nguyen at:

GSP-NUCE: Pollution control within a recycling factory in Vietnam


Operation from recycling factories in Hung Yen province (north of Vietnam) is having negative impacts on the environment:

  • During the smelting process of plastic waste recycling, factories are discharging lots of black smoke directly into the environment, causing air pollution.
  • Hazardous wastewater generating from the plastic recycling process is not collected and treated, but discharged directly to the nearby river, causing congestion and serious pollution of the water environment.

In addition, although plastic wastes are all inflammable and explosive materials, the fire protection work is completely ignored and not safe.

This project aims to review the recycling process at these factories and propose solutions to minimize the negative environmental impacts as well as potential risks.

As it is impossible to travel overseas at this moment, students will conduct the research from Australia. However, they will be collaborating with local staff from Hung Yen Plastic Recycling Factory and National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE) in collecting data and organizing project activities.


  • Investigate waste flows in a waste recycling factory.
  • Review current practices (safe handling and pollution control) at the plastic waste recycling factory.
  • Propose practical options for minimizing the air and water pollution from the plastic waste recycling factory.
  • Present the results and a report to the factory, RMIT and NUCE



No. Main Deliverable Description Estimated Timing
1 Project Plan Students discuss RMIT and NUCE academic supervisors about ideas that would lead to detailed and implementable project plans. February 2021
2 Literature Review Current situation and practices. March-April 2021
3 Data Collection and Analysis In collaboration with NUCE’s staff and students, collect the data for analysis. April – August 2021
4 Draft reports Drafting reports September 2021
5 Presentation Presentation on research findings October 2021
6 Final reports Final Research Theses* End October 2021

* ideally, the theses would provide scope for one or more peer-review publications


  • Students enroll in a relevant course and will be supervised and assessed by an academic at RMIT.
  • Students will work remotely to implement this project. Local staff at Hung Yen Plastic Recycling Factory and NUCE staff will be remote co-supervisor during the project.
  • Students will have remote check-ins with RMIT and partners on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Data collection will be assisted by Bac Ninh WWTP and NUCE’s staff and students. This include surveys, interviews, and consultation workshop/seminar.


The project is fully funded by the New Colombo Plan, which will cover all project-related costs.

Only Australian undergraduate students are eligible for this project.


  • Students submit EOI together with their latest CVs and academic records to Dr. Nina Nguyen at
  • Students are selected subject to approval from partners.


GSP-NUCE: Optimization of Chemical Consumption for the Manganese Control in Hai Duong Water Treatment Plant (Vietnam)


Hai Duong Water Treatment Plant (WTP) has a capacity of 4,500 m3/d using ground water, providing clean water for 45,000 people. This kind of water has high concentration of Mn, e.g.7 mg/L. The accepted value for Mn after treatment is only 0.1 mg/L (QCVN 01-1/2018/BYT issued by Ministry of Health). To reduce the Mn concentration to the acceptable level, they have used NaOH, polymer and Clorine gas. The most expenditure at present is for NaOH solution.

The company would like to engage RMIT students in a study to optimize the use of chemicals and propose different solutions (not using chemicals) to reduce the Mn level.

As it is impossible to travel overseas at this moment, students will conduct the research from Australia. However, they will be collaborating with Hai Duong WTP staff and National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE) staff and students in collecting data and organizing project activities.


  • Investigation of Mn treatment process in the plant
  • Review the potential solutions for Mn treatment in Vietnam and internationally
  • Proposal of most practical options for Hai Duong WTP case
  • Present the results to WTP, RMIT and NUCE
  • Write a paper for a specialized journal



No. Main Deliverable Description Estimated Timing
1 Project Plan Students discuss RMIT and NUCE academic supervisors about ideas that would lead to detailed and implementable project plans. February 2021
2 Literature Review Current situation and practices. March – April 2021
3 Data Collection and Analysis In collaboration with NUCE’s staff and students, collect the data for analysis. April – August 2021
4 Draft reports Drafting reports September 2021
5 Presentation Presentation on research findings October 2021
6 Final reports Final Research Theses* End October 2021

* ideally, the theses would provide scope for one or more peer-review publications


  • Students enroll in a relevant course and will be supervised and assessed by an academic at RMIT.
  • Students will work remotely to implement this project. Bac Ninh WWTP and NUCE staff will be remote co-supervisor during the project.
  • Students will have remote check-ins with RMIT and partners on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Data collection will be assisted by Bac Ninh WWTP and NUCE’s staff and students. This include surveys, interviews, and consultation workshop/seminar.


The project is fully funded by the New Colombo Plan, which will cover all project-related costs.

Only Australian undergraduate students are eligible for this project.


  • Students submit EOI together with their latest CVs and academic records to Dr. Nina Nguyen at
  • Shortlisted students will be invited for an interview.
  • Students are selected subject to approval from partners.


GSP-NUCE: Energy Optimization in Operation and Management of Bac Ninh Wastewater Treatment Plant (Vietnam)


Electricity is the main energy source required in wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), accounting for around 25–50% of the operating costs of traditional activated sludge plants. It was reported by recent research that most impacting elements in the energy consumption of a conventional WWTP are the aeration of mixed liquor (55–70%), primary and secondary settling with sludge pumping (15.6%) and sludge dewatering (7%).

Bac Ninh WWTP is located in Bac Ninh province – 40 km from Hanoi, the capital city of Vietnam. The company wishes to engage RMIT students in a research project aiming to evaluate current energy use and propose solutions for energy saving.

As it is impossible to travel overseas at this moment, students will conduct the research from Australia. However, they will be collaborating with Bac Ninh’s WWTP staff and National University of Civil Engineering (NUCE) students in collecting data and organizing project activities.

–         Investigation of energy used in the plant

–         Review the potential process optimization solutions for energy saving and reuse in the plant

–         Proposal of most practical options for Bac Ninh WWTP case

–         Present the results to WWTP, RMIT and NUCE

–         Write a paper for a specialized journal


No. Main Deliverable Description Estimated Timing
1 Project Plan Students discuss RMIT and NUCE academic supervisors about ideas that would lead to detailed and implementable project plans. February 2021
2 Literature Review Current situation and practices. March-April 2021
3 Data Collection and Analysis In collaboration with NUCE’s staff and students, collect the data for analysis. April – August 2021
4 Draft reports Drafting reports September 2021
5 Presentation Presentation on research findings October 2021
6 Final reports Final Research Theses* End October 2021

* ideally, the theses would provide scope for one or more peer-review publications


  • Students enroll in a relevant course and will be supervised and assessed by an academic at RMIT.
  • Students will work remotely to implement this project. Bac Ninh WWTP and NUCE staff will be remote co-supervisor during the project.
  • Students will have remote check-ins with RMIT and partners on a bi-weekly basis.
  • Data collection will be assisted by Bac Ninh WWTP and NUCE’s staff and students. This include surveys, interviews, and consultation workshop/seminar.


The project is fully funded by the New Colombo Plan, which will cover all project-related costs.
Only Australian undergraduate students are eligible for this project.


  • Students submit EOI together with their latest CVs and academic records to Dr. Nina Nguyen at
  • Students are selected subject to approval from partners.


GSP-ESC: Developing a Calculator to Assess the Efficiency of the LED Lighting Technology in Victoria, Australia


Essential Services Commission (ESC) is an independent regulator that promotes the long- term interests of Victorian consumers with respect to the price, quality and reliability of essential services.

ESC is administering the Victorian Energy Upgrades Program (VEU) which awards energy efficiency certificates for proving energy savings under lighting upgrade activities, including the replacement of old and inefficient lights by efficient LED lights.

There are a variety of criteria and test standards that efficient LED lamps need to meet before they become eligible for the upgrade activities under VEU programs. One of these requirements is IES LM-80 standard test.

IES LM-80 is a standardized testing method for measuring the lumen depreciation of LED modules or chips over a period of time and under certain set conditions. The latest version of IES LM-80 test is IES LM-80-15. 

IES LM-80 is used to estimate the photometric and colorimetric performance of LED lamps over time. The LEDs are tested at a specific drive current and ambient temperature.

The test is run at three different ambient temperatures: 55°C, 85°C and a temperature chosen by the LED manufacturer (usually 105°C). The LED samples are operated at these temperatures and at a specific drive current for a period of minimum 6000 hrs.

Once the IES LM80 test has concluded, the measurements are used to determine a depreciation curve for the luminous flux at each temperature. The data is extrapolated using the IES TM-21 method to determine and predict the lifetime of the LED lamps. The end point of the extrapolation is typically 70% of the initial light output (L70).

IES LM-80 is not helpful on its own and does not of itself define how to extrapolate lab-measured LED lifetime test data to enable future lifetime prediction. That’s why IES TM-21 comes in. IES TM-21 details how to extrapolate short-term LED component test data to predict future performance.

US EPA has a spreadsheet calculator based on IES TM-21-11 method (previous standard method) which is attached and is available at the website to perform the calculations for IES TM-21.

The problem is that the current calculator is based on the previous standard IES TM-20-11 method and a calculator has not been developed yet for IES TM-21-19 new standard method. But this tool can be used as an example for developing a calculator for new IES TM-21-19 method.

ESC wishes to engage RMIT students in a project aiming to develop a IES TM-21-19 calculator which could be used for calculating the predicted lifetime of the LED lamps.



Main Deliverable


Estimated Timing


Project Plan

Students discuss with ESC and RMIT academic supervisors about a detailed project plan.

February 2021


Literature Review, Data Collection and Analysis

Students work under their academic supervisors to review relevant literature and collect relevant data under the facilitation of ESC.

March 2021


Development of a a IES TM-21-19 calculator which could be used for calculating the predicted lifetime of the LED lamps

April 2021


Comments on the draft model/calculator

Discussion with ESC about the newly developed calculator.

May 2021


Presentation of final caculator

Revise the calculator and present the final one to ESC

June 2021


  • Students work under the supervision of RMIT academic supervisor.

ESC appoints a contact person to help students access to data and info. There should be regular (fortnightly/monthly) meetings between students and ESC to discuss the project progress.

GSP-NEW: North East Water 3MW Solar Plant

GSP-NEW: North East Water 3MW Solar Plant


North East Water (NEW) are a water and sewage services provider in north-east Victoria, supplying to approximately 108,000 people across 39 towns. They operate 20 water treatment facilities and 21 wastewater treatment plants (WTP), covering an area of 20,000 square kilometres. They also operate one trade waste facility and provide recycled water for both drinking and irrigation use.

In adjusting to the challenges that come with climate change, North East Water – a regional water and sewage service provider in Victoria – has dedicated itself to reducing its carbon footprint and implementing sustainable business practices. In line with their focus on emissions reduction, NE Water have recently constructed a 3MW solar PV field behind-the-meter at the West Wodonga WWTP. This plant is expected to be operational early in 2021.

The benefits that come from this transition are multifold: not only will the company generate renewable energy and mitigate its contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, it will also reduce reliance on the electrical grid, which may become unstable due to extreme weather events and growing uptake of local solar power generation.

It is imperative that North East Water can make well informed decisions when operating the solar facility at its water treatment plant. It is for this reason that RMIT students in collaboration with the Greenhouse and Sustainability Program (GSP) are engaged in this project.


The objective of the project is to investigate and review the most cost-effective business strategy for the operation and integration of a new 3MW solar plant at West Wodonga. To achieve this objective the project will build upon work undertaken in 2020 by a cohort of RMIT students and undertake several key tasks.

  1. Update the historical energy demand and pricing at the WW site (and other large energy consuming sites across the NEW business), identifying the influence of season and weather.
  2. Compare the actual energy generation from the 3MW plant to the predicted generation.
  3. Review the proposed strategy for self-consumption and/or export of solar power from the WWTP site in the context of;
    • Net metering arrangements
    • Network tariff structures
    • Hedging arrangements
    • Ability for load shifting (both at WWTP site and other wholesale market exposed sites within the NE Water portfolio)
  4. Review the opportunities for NE Water to engage in flexible demand initiatives, including regular load shifting to minimise energy costs on the wholesale market and peak demand response events (e.g. RERT). This may include review and evaluation of the benefits from proposed operational changes (e.g. for sites such as Mill St pumping station, and review of opportunities from specific infrastructure upgrades (such as tank or pump capacity).
  5. Review the opportunity for load shifting to be used to lower the carbon intensity of NE Water’s operations.


The deliverables of this project will be staged with an initial focus on data collection.

Deliverable Description Initial Timing Estimate
Commencement Workshop Collect Data from NEW (data for 2020)

●      Historical energy prices

●      Historical energy use by NEW including peak usage

●      Solar field data

●      Individual student briefs and research questions

Milestone 1 Project Plan March
Milestone 2 Some preliminary analysis of Data

·       Evaluation of historical energy prices

·       Historical energy use by NEW including peak usage.


Milestone 3 Progress report. Early June
Milestone 4 Draft Project Report. Early September
Milestone 5 Project Report. End September
  A presentation on the project report. End October


This project will be managed through weekly meetings of the students () whom will seek draft approval from the Project Managers (Marcos Anastassiou & Dr Cameron Stanley & Dr Kazi Hasan) and through frequent contact with the Project Sponsor to ensure work is satisfactory.

 Reporting Requirements:

There will be draft approval and/or progress reporting fortnightly to the project managers.

  Assumptions and Constraints:

Energy spot price is assumed to be primarily driven by time of day and temperature across the state.

Power usage from individual WTP across NEW’s network is expected to be available, as well as data on costs associated with shutting down.

 Risks and Minimisation Strategies:

Incomplete data collection resulting in inaccurate recommendations.

  • This will be minimised by collecting as much data as possible from as many sources as possible.

Low data resolution.

  • The highest resolution data available will be sourced to ensure accuracy.


Water Act 1989

Water Industry Act 1994

Survey of obligations and responsibilities under the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) function of the Australian Energ

GSP-WW: Virtual Power Plant (VPP) operation of a Wastewater Treatment Plant


Western Water provides water, sewerage and recycled water services to 61,000 properties with a population of 162,000 across a region of 3,000 square kilometres to the north-west of Melbourne. Since the authority’s establishment 20 years ago, Western Water has seen its service population more than double. This strong growth rate is projected to continue as suburbs around Melton and Sunbury develop over the coming decade. Nearly all towns in the service area now have a secure water supply through provision of alternate supplies to local water. These include interconnection to adjoining supply systems as well as access to Melbourne water.


This project aims to investigate:

  1. Energy and Greenhouse Gas-visualisation of data at the Surbiton Park (Melton’s WWTP)?
  • 15-minute interval data available on the SCADA system
  • Possibility of replacing older pumps that are poor performers
  1. Virtual dispatch of excess energy at WWTP and on other sites?
  2. Virtual Power Plant- one day time sequence for biogas storage, power generation, solar PV, grid power and energy balances – use 15-minute interval data and model VPP and optimisations?
  • Run plots on PLC’s and rule-based logic?
  • Establish what software is available to run rule- based logic?
  1. How best to utilise the energy generated from VPP?
  • Could other WW sites be powered?
  • How to best dispatch energy from VPP?
  • Market assessment of software systems for optimal operation of VPP’s using rule-based logic?
  • How to best minimise use of energy from the grid and maximise energy behind the meter generated by VPP?
  • Evaluate plant load based upon solar capacity, Gas storage, scenarios for PV arrays, e.g. BOM cloud bank predictions of weather.
  • How best to manage biogas and integration of energy generation with grid power?
  • Is there more energy generation than WWTP can use and how to transfer power?
  1. Develop a business case for an additional 1000 cubic metres of biogas storage (Bio-dome)?
  • Currently can run gas turbines for up to 6 hours of energy generation, at sun set biogas becomes the energy source.
  1. Develop benchmarks for VPP: bio-gas generation, Co-generation, PV usage, diesel generation usage and grid power and strike price for different energies inclusive of load shedding power system economics?


The deliverables of this project will be staged with an initial focus on data collection.


Deliverable Description Initial Timing Estimate
Project plan Project Plan March
Milestone 1 Developing a small-scale electrical grid model considering operational and financial issues appropriate to represent Melton site.

·       Behind the meter electricity network model

·       Modelling interaction with the external NEM grid

·       Power system economics model for Melton site to represent power flow and money flow in/out of the Melton site from/to grid depending on the site-operation

End May
Milestone 2 Sequential 15-minutes interval time domain simulation of the Melton site throughout the whole year, including:

·       Coordination of the site consumption, onsite generation, and external grid to identify optimal operation of the site

·       Analysis of electricity load/generation/storage profile throughout the entire annual cycle

·       Analysis of electricity price profile throughout the entire annual cycle

End June
Milestone 3 Feasibility study of the VPP operation based on the site performance and external grid (coordination of 1 and 2 above)

·       Financial analysis of electricity cost /electricity consumption /on-site generation /storage /cost savings

·       Field assessment (for recommendation on the network efficiency) to identify savings and/or strategic investments

·       Review of site billing (for recommendation on the economic efficiency)

End July
Draft project report Draft project report as outlined in Aim. Early September
Project report Project report. End September
Presentation A presentation on the project report with accompanying presentation materials (eg. slides). End October


This project will be managed through weekly meetings of the students, whom will seek draft approval from the Project Managers (Marcos Anastassiou & Dr Cameron Stanley & Dr Kazi Hasan) and through frequent contact with the Project Sponsor to ensure work is satisfactory.

Reporting Requirements:

There will be draft approval and/or progress reporting fortnightly to the project managers.

 Risks and Minimisation Strategies:

Incomplete data collection resulting in inaccurate recommendations.

  • This will be minimised by collecting as much data as possible from as many sources as possible.

Low data resolution.

  • The highest resolution data available will be sourced to ensure accuracy.


Water Act 1989

Water Industry Act 1994

Survey of obligations and responsibilities under the Reliability and Emergency Reserve Trader (RERT) function of the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).




2 years interval data is requested.
Electricity System Data (for developing power system models)
·       Onsite generation and storage (solar PV, diesel, biogas etc.) data

·       Electricity consumption by different equipment

·       Simplified network (electrical connection) topology data, showing connections in the WTP/WWTP devices including all line parameters, load and generator information

·       P, Q, V, f (Real power, reactive power, voltage and frequency) measurements at grid-connection substations at high resolution

·       P, Q for major loads, generators, and storage battery for load flow calculation

Water System Data (constraints in power system models)
·       15-minutes interval data available from the SCADA system

·       WTP/WWTP storage level data

·       Total volume of the WTP/WWTP storage

·       Pump capacity, pumping rates

·       Minimum and maximum WTP/WWTP storage level to maintain

Electricity Market Data
·       Electricity price data (high resolution) of the network (WTP/WWTP)

·       Existing contracts (if any)

Event Data
·       Outage information (if any)



GSP-WW: Understanding the risk of using herbicides for tree root removal into wastewater treatment plant performance

GSP-WW: Understanding the risk of using herbicides for tree root removal into wastewater treatment plant performance


Western Water (WW) provides water, sewerage and recycled water services to 61,000 properties with a population of 162,000 across a region of 3,000 square kilometres to the north-west of Melbourne. Since the authority’s establishment 20 years ago, Western Water has seen its service population more than double. This strong growth rate is projected to continue as suburbs around Melton and Sunbury develop over the coming decade. Nearly all towns in the service area now have a secure water supply through provision of alternate supplies to local water. These include interconnection to adjoining supply systems as well as access to Melbourne water.

Project aim

Intrusion of roots into sewer pipelines is among the most destructive problems encountered in a wastewater collection system. It is notable that approximately 10-25% of all collection systems have some fraction of roots intrusion which causing sewage overflow and damaging the pipeline and other public health and environmental problems. In practice, chemical herbicides have been widely used for controlling root intrusion in pipes. However, adding herbicides in sewer lines may affect downstream biological wastewater treatment processes. This is because various concentrations of chemical substances and metal ions present in herbicides can inhibit the activity of microorganisms in activated sludge and destroy their functions. Therefore, careful consideration must be given to the application of root control chemicals in sewer collection systems since the concentration and type of herbicide may impact on the performance of wastewater treatment plant plants, especially on the nitrification of activated sludge systems. However, a clear understanding about the risk of using different types of herbicides for tree root removal into wastewater treatment plant performance and threshold concentrations inhibiting nitrification for most of the root control chemicals are not yet known.

The objective of the project is to understand whether adding current herbicides used for tree root removal will increase the toxicity of the influent and adversely affect the performance of the recycled water plant. This study will also assess the effect of dosage and type of herbicides which may be less/no impact on nitrification process.


The deliverables of this project will be staged with an initial focus on literature review and data collection and some filed work.


Deliverable Description Initial Timing Estimate
Commencement Workshop Collect Data from WW

●        Orientation to the project

●        Overview of literature and water industry reports

●        Individual student briefs and research questions

Feb- Early March
Milestone 1 Project Plan March
Milestone 2 Preliminary analysis of Data

·       Evaluation of data


Milestone 3 Progress report. Early June
Milestone 4 Draft Project Report. Early September
Milestone 5 Project Report. End September
  A presentation on the project report. End October



GSP-YVW: Valve Position Status at Yarra Valley Water


Yarra Valley Water (YVW) is Melbourne’s largest retail water utility, providing essential water and sanitation services to more than 1.9 million people and more than 50,000 businesses across a 4,000-kilometre area, from Wallan in the north to Warburton in the east. YVW owns and operates approximately a combined 20,000km of sewer and water infrastructure, as well as wastewater treatment facilities.

Yarra Valley Water owns and maintains over 60,000 water valves in the supply network. In two areas of the network where Yarra Valley Water has taken ownership from a water trust or local authority, water valves with opposite thread to standard water valves were used, meaning that they open in an anti-clockwise direction instead of a clockwise direction.  In some cases, new standard water valves have been added to the non-standard network as replacements, creating confusion for civil water crews attempting shutdowns and sometimes causing water supply issues when valves have been unintentionally left shut. A device that could categorically determine the position status of all water valves would create invaluable work method and network efficiencies, resulting in reduced maintenance costs and improved customers service outcomes.

The section drawing below shows a sluice valve similar to those used in the YVW network. The main point of difference is that YVW valves are buried and do not have a handwheel. To operate the valve, a valve key is to be fitted to the spindle (top part of the stem) which allows the stem to be rotated either clockwise or anti-clockwise, thereby raising or lowering the disc (opening or closing the valve).

The thread on the stem can be machined to determine whether the valve will open with a clockwise rotation or an anti-clockwise rotation. With the valve disc enclosed there is no way to determine (see) if the valve is in the open or closed position without performing a shutdown. Where the valve open/closing direction is unknown, and where there are multiple valves in a shutdown, this may mean many combinations of opening and shutting valves are required to achieve the shutdown.


Develop a mechanical/electrical device that can determine the position status of a water valve.

The deliverables of this project are specified below:

  • Project Plan/Scoping document
  • Data/information collection
  • Industry and literature research
  • Develop proposed solution/s
  • Document all findings in a Project Report
  • Presentation on the Project Report


  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
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