Media artists from all over the world can submit their works now for the European Media Art Festival 2024. The online platform is now open.

Works from the areas of Film, Installation and Expanded (live projects such as performances, interactive works, or workshops) can be submitted. The deadline for submissions is 7 January 2024. A selection committee together with a team of curators will compile programme entries for the upcoming festival from the submitted works.

Submission of work is free of charge. Artists’ fees will be paid for all entries selected for the festival.

The 37th European Media Art Festival will take place from 24 to 28 April 2024. For five days, Osnabrück will become an international and trend-setting platform for media art and a meeting place for artists, curators, researchers and students. The exhibition at Kunsthalle Osnabrück will also be on view until 26 May 2024.

European Media Art Festival submissions due 7 Jan 2024
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