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The 14 elements, getting started with Canvas

Every course must meet a standard of presentation, consistency and content that all the schools have agreed upon. These are the 14 elements that must be checked before the course is published and students gain access to it.


When Canvas was introduced at RMIT in 2017 the 14 elements and a QA process was introduced to ensure that all courses contain a range of consistent information and presentation this ensures that anyone using Canvas at RMIT will be able to locate and access course content easily, consistently and without frustration. 



Current students have come through secondary school using online learning, with Canvas they have an LMS that is as easy as using social media and works well on mobile devices. It is popular with students and staff. 



Work with your coordinator to get added to the courses you will be teaching. Access help, training and information about QA and use this checklist to prepare your course for audit. 


More resources 

Canvas Access 

To get access to Canvas, you need your RMIT staff number and password. If you have already logged into the RMIT network, access the Canvas dashboard from the “Staff” front page portal.  

Any issues with accessing your Canvas account can be resolved by submitting a ticket with the RMIT Service Desk. They can also provide you with a sandbox course if they haven’t done so already. Your sandbox is your own course for experiments, testing and learning. 


Canvas Support 24/7 

In Canvas, click on the Help button for loads of Canvas specific resources. You can call the 

free hotline or open a chat window with Canvas Support. Note they are based in the USA, and work for instructure, not RMIT. 

On the other side of your Canvas screen, you will see another Help button. You can take a navigation tour, set up your preferences and profile picture. Or you can click on Help and do a keyword search for assistance. 

You can also request custom group training through the L&D team. 


14 Elements for Canvas success 

When a course is ready, itrecommended that you peer review with another member of your team to provide feedback. Once you have achieved the 14 Elements, the course is ready to publish. Further guidance can be provided by the DSC L&D group(dsc.lt@rmit.edu.au). 

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