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RMIT Micro Credentials

RMIT Creds is a university-wide, digital micro-credentials program designed to help students develop industry-ready skills.​ Micro-credentials range from 30-minute snippets to more intensive online programs running over several weeks. Once successfully completed, students can claim a digital badge and share it on social media. 


There are several ways to build Creds into your course (Planning to embed your Cred). They can be included as a totally optional formative assessment item, a component of an existing assessment or as a stand-alone task. This requires the task to be included in Part A documentation.  For guidance, please speak with your ADG’s Cred Specialist.  


For students, Creds help build a portfolio of demonstrable transferable professional skills and personal attributes valued by industry that are typically not referenced in degree transcripts.  
Embedded Creds specifically reassures students the Cred provided is relevant to their course of study and future career. 

To get started, you can review the information found on the RMIT website, “Teaching with credentials”
This is the place to find guidance on the planning, cred selection, timing, applications, costs and where to find available creds including the Cred Demo site 

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