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Assessment Policies & Procedures

This section looks at assessment policy and procedures from the student's perspective, what information is available to them and how manage assessments.


All academic assessment conforms to RMIT assessment policies and processes. If students are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date they are required to apply for ‘an extension of time’ or ‘special consideration’. Equitable assessment arrangements can also be made. Please refer to adjustments to assessment for forms and details. 


Your School may also have agreed guidelines and penalties for late assessment without approved extension – please ask your Course Coordinator for details or advice. 


Using the teacher tools like Turnitin in Canvas for your course is one way to ensure that student submissions, marked work, grades and grading comments are held on secure RMIT servers. You can maintain accurate records of students’ graded work (including comments) on Canvas and final grades are either submitted to the course coordinator or uploaded online using Results Processing Online within the required timeframes.

Important points: 

  • Ensure you do not mark the work of anyone known to you on a personal level and that arrangements are made through the course coordinator for another teacher/tutor to mark the work. 
  • Arrange for failed assessments to be second marked by the course coordinator. 
  • Refer assignments that you suspect are plagiarised to the course coordinator for review and escalation.

Further resources 

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