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Rubrics & Assessment

Rubrics are an assessment tool to help you to grade consistently, and faster. By using a rubric, you are identifying the criteria used to judge students’ work and the scale used to rate it.


Rubrics are an assessment tool to help you to grade consistently, and fasterBy using a rubric, you are identifying the criteria used to judge students’ work and the scale used to rate it.  


Using a rubric makes the grading of assessments transparent  students know the standard by which their work will be judged and lecturers and tutors have a tool that allows them consistent Also, it is RMIT policy that all assessment tasks over 20% have a rubric for marking.(RMIT Assessment Processes) 


Using a rubric  

As a sessional you may be provided with a rubric for marking an assessment or you may have to create one. 

If you are given a rubric, ensure that you and your students are familiar with its requirements. When briefing the students on an assessment task, go through the rubric as well.  Ensure that they are clear about the criteria that their work will be judged on.  This helps them to focus on the key aspects of the task.   

You can use the rubric to encourage students to provide feedback on each other’s work and to self-assess their work.  This encourages deep engagement with the assessment task – not just relying on your final judgment.  

Creating a rubric* 

  1. Select the course learning outcome/s (CLO) you will be assessing with this assignment.  
  1. Ensure your assessment meets the CLOs and attempt to make it as authentic as possible  
  1. Consider which graduate attributes and employability skills your assessment is designed to build and demonstrate as these can be a basis for the criteria you assess in your rubrics e.g., teamwork, creativity etc.  
  1. List the criteria you are going to be assessing in this assignment  
  1. Determine the standard expected for each criteria at all levels of performance from excellent down to pass and then not satisfactory  
  1. Use explicit and measurable terminology to describe a level of performance, the word and phrase lists below may assist if you are having difficulty finding the words to express a level. 
  1. Test your rubric with a colleague  Are the criteria relevant and measurable? Are the ratings clear – is the difference between each level? 

*Writing rubric can be challenging – if you need assistance contact dsc.lt@rmit.edu.au  

Rubrics in canvas 

Rubrics for your assessments can be created in canvas and marking done online – this save you time and proves students with a consistent portal for course information. 

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