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Library Resources

The Library provides a range of resources and services to build course content and support your teaching.


The Library Online Learning and Teaching team has been established to provide support to you with this work. These experts can assist you with locating resources, creating authenticated links to online full text journal articles, e-book titles, open educational resources and many other online resources available from our Library. They will also provide you with support to enable and use the Reading List application in Canvas which allows you to create and manage a dynamic reading list that connects students directly with their course learning materials. Contact: library.olt@rmit.edu.au



Follow the links to access information or contact the library staff for help and support.

Finding and adding resources to your courses and OLT support

The Library provides a range of resources and services to help you build your course content, augment your teaching with online and interactive resources, and improve the learning experience of your students. All in a copyright compliant manner https://www.rmit.edu.au/library/teach

The Adding Library resources to Canvas guide covers: finding and adding Library subscription resources; open-web resources methods of adding resource links to Canvas; use of the Reading List app referencing resources used in your Canvas course; and ensuring copyright compliance of resources used in your Canvas course.



By engaging with these services and tools and by talking to the Library OLT experts you will be connecting your students directly with excellent course learning materials and improving the student learning experience.  You will also be providing access to resources in a copyright compliant way. Once established, you will be able update and roll over your reading lists with ease. Learning how to find and link to relevant and compliant resources will set you up for future teaching practice.

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