The library supports your students’ study needs, with a range of training and customized workshops to help students develop the skills needed to become lifelong learners. https://www.rmit.edu.au/library/teach/support-for-your-students
Study Support workshops:
The Library offers online assessment-focused workshops for library information, literacy, academic writing, STEM and study skills. Workshops are designed for vocational education, undergraduate and postgraduate coursework students. The Library will collaborate with you to develop customised classes and resources to improve your students research skills and academic skills.
Please provide a minimum of two weeks advance notice to allow planning and preparation time.
Contact the Library study support team: studysupport@rmit.edu.au
The Library page in the menu list in your Canvas course will provide ready access to a range of services for students. Your students can search for resources via LibrarySearch, receive help from a Librarian via our Ask the Library online enquiry service, link into the Study Support service, access some great tools such as the Assignment Planner and Learning Lab as well as have direct access to information about Academic Integrity.
By engaging the Library study support team, you will help your students develop the essential research and academic skills required to complete assessment tasks and to succeed in their studies. Promoting the Library Page in Canvas will really help your students access the resources and services they may need at any given time and allow them to engage in a self-directed way.
Follow the links above to access information or contact the library staff for help and support.