How will you deal with reduced numbers of students studying on campus and in some cases not even in the country?
Answer: A concurrent model, def “Teaching conducted across a range of classroom scenarios, online, real-time and recorded.”
Like any class, studio or lecture we deliver, it comes down to planning, preparation and setting new expectations for yourself and your students. The concurrent model requires regular communication, a well-developed Canvas shell and lots of feedback.
COVID outbreaks are a fact of life for the next few years at least, if it occurs you need to be able to deliver to students wherever they may be.
- Develop a lesson plan for your concurrent class from the samples on this website.
- Attend a PD session contact dsc.lt@rmit.edu.au for more details.
- Schedule some of your classes to be delivered concurrently, this will allow you and your students to become familiar with this teaching methodology.