
Using the ResearchMaster database

If you have a question regarding about using ResearchMaster, that is not covered in the General or module-specific user guides, please consult members of your team in the first instance.  If your team is unable to assist please contact the Service and Support Centre.

Updates to user guides

If the business processes followed by your team are not correctly reflected in the current user guides please consult Research Analytics via the Service and Support Centre so that the guide can be updated with agreement from relevant stakeholders. Site administrators, authors and editors can use RMIT Single-Sign-On to amend this site via

Configuration changes

If you would like to request a database configuration change please ask the manager of your team to approve this change and email details to, with a cc: to your manager.

Database configuration changes include:

  • re-naming a database field as it is currently labelled on screen
  • changes to the list of options in fields populated using a drop-down menu
  • changing existing and creating new email templates to reflect current business processes
  • changes to fields* showing in summaries of a related record (i.e. fields that open up new windows from the main record interface. e.g. the Linked Personnel summary on a Project record)
  • changes to fields* in the search results for each database module

* = changes can be made to which fields are displayed, the order in which fields are displayed and the field label/name that is displayed on screen. The fields are normally from the core information of each module record (or related record in the case of summaries). In some cases not all the fields visible to the user can be displayed in summaries or module search results. The Research Systems team will notify you if a field you have requested is not available.

General help

For general help, you can also access the ‘Help’ item in the menu bar within RME6. This information is specific to the application itself and will not explain RMIT business processes or data entry practices.