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Student Feedback

What:  The student website at RMIT has a lot of information for students about the feedback they should receive, start by familiarising yourself with this page.  Why:  This is a strategy for you to touch base with how th...

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What  Course Experience Survey (CES) is an online student survey administered by RMIT to all students at the end of each study period for all courses and classes on students’ learning experience. The survey contains 2 pa...

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Plagiarism and academic integrity

What:  Academic integrity means acting with the values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect and responsibility in learning, teaching and research. It means referencing the work of others while developing your own insight...

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Rubrics & Assessment

What:  Rubrics are an assessment tool to help you to grade consistently, and faster. By using a rubric, you are identifying the criteria used to judge students’ work and the scale used to rate it.   Why:  Using a rubric ...

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Assessment Policies & Procedures

What:  All academic assessment conforms to RMIT assessment policies and processes. If students are unable to complete any piece of assessment by the due date they are required to apply for ‘an extension of time’ or ‘spec...

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Giving and getting informal feedback

What:  Feedback to and from students is integral to good teaching, it is a two-way process you are giving students feedback and you receiving feedback from them.  Why: The process of informal feedback lets you know how s...

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Engaging Students

What: When you first begin to teach, or begin to teach a new class, it is natural that your concerns are all about your own experience: “Do I have enough material? Will it run over time? Will the students be bored? What...

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Assessment and grading in the Canvas Learning Management System

What: When your assessments and scoring rubrics are set up in a course in the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS), you can then use the, Gradebook function to enter results and comments for your students.    Why: Thi...

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