About Internships

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) Internships

  • Supervision with relevant experience

  • Tasks that are relevant and appropriate
  • 80-120 hours

  • RMIT WIL Agreement

  • Year round and days negotiable

  • We circulate approved ads and students apply to you


Suitability of supervision

In order to deliver a rewarding learning experience, the supervisor of an unpaid internship needs to have qualifications and/or verifiable experience in design, communications, media or marketing.

​One or more members of your organisation should act as a supervisor to the student undertaking an internship. Supervisors should be able to share their expertise on a day-to-day basis. Choose a supervisor who has the time, resources, energy and expertise to ensure the experience is mutually beneficial.


Suitability of role

An internship is a learning activity taken as part of a Work Integrated Learning subject. The tasks must be relevant to the student’s program of study. Tasks such as filing, data entry, assisting at events etc. are unlikely to be approved, as they are not related to the intern’s study areas. 

Unlike a paid role that has a set of responsibilities with minimal input from a manager, a WIL internship should enable a student to practice their skills in a professional setting under relevant expert guidance. 

Before placing an intern request, ask yourself if your assignment is the right fit for this initiative. Ideally the work has meaningful outcomes for both the student and your organisation.

A placement ideally leads directly to employment with your organisation, opening up a career path for students and establishing their professional network.

Defining the Role

Desired student skills

The most commonly advertised internship opportunities are ‘Communications Assistant’ (School of Media and Communication) or ‘Design Assistant’ (School of Design). An overview of the range of skillsets across all our programs can be found at What Our Students Can Do.

​When defining a role, think about what skills you would like / expect from a student or graduate, these may include both role-specific and generalist professional skills.

Once we receive your overview, we circulate it to the specific cohorts with the relevant skillsets that best match your position description.


Paid or unpaid?

Work Integrated Learning (WIL) internships can be unpaid if they meet our Schools’ requirements of relevant expert supervision, appropriate tasks, and a typical duration of 80 to 120 hours. 

However, we strongly encourage you to consider offering a payment to interns. Payment options can include an hourly or daily rate, a meal or travel allowance, or a token of appreciation such as a gift voucher. Remember, students already pay course fees, and they may need to take a break from existing paid work to complete an internship. Offering payment can make your organisation more attractive to potential interns and increase the likelihood of receiving applications. 

Please ensure students do not incur additional expenses without reimbursement. For example, students should not be required to cover travel expenses for attending multiple locations or travelling between sites. 

When submitting your role via our request form you will select from one of the following types: 

  • Unpaid Internship: A WIL internship with relevant supervision, tasks, and hours, without any form of payment. 
  • Unpaid Internship with Stipend: A WIL internship with relevant supervision, tasks, and hours, that includes a nominal payment e.g. a meal/travel allowance.
  • Paid Internship: A WIL internship with relevant supervision and tasks that is paid at, or above, Fair Work award rates.
  • Paid Internship or Paid Role:  Same as a paid internship, except that the role could be taken up by a student or graduate who is not enrolled in a WIL placement subject.
  • Paid Role: A job for a student or recent graduate that is paid at, or above, Fair Work award rates. 

    For more information on Fair Work guidelines regarding unpaid work, please refer to the Unpaid Work Factsheet. 


    You can advertise an opportunity year-round, including summer.

    You will have the highest number of students applying during these periods:

    • Late January to mid-March
    • Early June to end July

    You will have the lowest number of students applying for your opportunity in:

    • April
    • September
    • Mid December to early January Xmas period

    ​Most students responding to opportunities advertised between November to March will need to complete their hours by mid May. Most students responding to opportunities advertised between April to July will need to complete their hours before mid October.

    You may make arrangements with your selected student for a start and finish date, which the student will record on the RMIT WIL Agreement and provide to you to sign prior to their commencement.

    Hours of availability

    Students have a maximum number of unpaid WIL placement hours that are covered by RMIT insurance policies. These are typically between 80-120 hours (depending on the student’s program requirements) and the unpaid hours cannot be extended.

    The placement hours can be allocated in blocks or spread out on a part-time basis. A typical arrangement would be 10-14 hours per week. You and the student can negotiate a work schedule that is mutually agreeable.


    RMIT has extensive insurance policies to cover students undertaking WIL activities for the duration of the Agreement. The minimum level of insurance provided by RMIT for all types of Higher Education and Vocational Education WIL activities is student personal accident; public and products liability; and professional indemnity.

    Your organisation must hold and maintain appropriate public liability insurance.

    If students are being engaged as paid employees your organisation will need to provide WorkCover and all employment insurances including Employer Liability and Worker’s Compensation insurance.

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