project process
Scoping and Commencement
Quarter 1, 2017
Project Prompt
Strengthen employability in a changing digital world of work.
- Ethics application
- Labour data and graduate insights
- Literature
Formation of Team
RMIT University
Queensland University of Technology
University of Technology Sydney
Regular Google hangout meetings were held and a repository was developed in Google drive shared folders for project processes, documents and data.
Affordance: an interaction between a feature or features of a technology and a user of that technology to produce a particular outcome.
The initial attraction of an affordance model was for scaffolded or developmental learning and professional capability for digital work.
Pilot Courses Identified
- Design
- Journalism
- Music Industry
- Engineering
Quarters 2 and 3, 2017
Digital Capabilities Descriptors Concept
With four courses identified, sample digital capabilities descriptors were drafted. They were intended to illustrate how educators could interpret the affordance model for new program development or learning activities for existing curriculum.
Digital Capabilities Descriptors interpret affordances in sample job role/practice domains.
Literature and data collection were used to inform the development of the digital capability descriptors.
Data collection and preliminary analysis
Quarter 3, 2017
Industry Roundtables (n = 42)
In Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane, participants discussed digital work trends and capabilities they were looking for.
- Mixed Disciplines (RMIT)
- Design (UTS)
- Journalism (UTS)
- Mixed Disciplines (QUT)
Educator Survey (n = 91)
A survey was distributed to the five ATN Universities. The survey was developed against the JISC Digital Capabilities Framework UK. Educators were asked about their teaching practice and the industry capabilities needed.
Student Survey Planning
Surveys were developed in line with the learning model domain selected for existing curriculum. Question banks were developed as a teaching resource for learning activities and assessment.
Pilots of model with educators and students
Quarter 4, 2017
Digital Capabilities Descriptors Developed
Teams analysed the data and refined digital descriptors for their discipline.
The digital descriptors were arranged into sample domains and organised around three categories of affordances of technology.
- Functional
- Perceptual
- Adaptive
The digital descriptors were used to inform the pilot of teaching interventions for existing curriculum.
Teaching pilots using the model
The model informed the planning and delivery of teaching interventions in four disciplines, as follows (n = 100):
- Semester-long teaching intervention in Design around the domain of collaboration
- Two-week intervention in Journalism, around project management.
- Music Industry and Engineering are in progress.
Analysis and Reflection
Data and feedback was collated and used to refine the model and digital capabilities descriptors in preparation for the final workshops and roundtables.
- Survey responses from educators across the ATN (n = 91)
- Survey responses from students in pilot interventions to date (n = 21)
- Teacher reflections (text and video) on pilot interventions
- Team reflection on descriptors
- Progress report to ATN, Reference Group and Critical Friends.
Feedback, recommendations and dissemination
Quarter 1, 2018
FINAL Industry Roundtable (n = 8)
A follow-up industry roundtable was held in Melbourne, to provide industry contributors with an overview of project observations and to elicit feedback on the learning model developed in Stages 2 and 3.
View the Industry Roundtables Report »
ANALYSIS and Synthesis
- Further feedback critical friends in the ATN and University of the Arts London
- Analysis and synthesis of industry, educator and student input, graduate data and literature
- Visualisation of learning model.
Educator Workshops x 5
Workshops held at each of the five ATN universities – participants invited to apply learning model to their course curriculum and learning activities, and provide feedback on the learning model.
Final event held at RMIT University. Findings shared with teaching staff, educational leaders and academic developers. Expert Panel responses for institutional strategy, work and learning futures.
Throughout the project, team members have presented at conferences and written papers across each of the four disciplines. They are listed on the project website, where teaching resources are also provided.