<div style="text-align:center; padding:40px;"><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><h1 style="color:#06aea8;">Assessment Resources</h1><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --></div>


The survey questions were intended to provide an indicative baseline of digital capabilities in different disciplinary groups, with a subsequent survey to gauge any changes following the teaching intervention.

Different approaches were trialled for designing the student surveys, which illustrate diagnostic, formative and summative assessment possibilities.

In Design, a diagnostic and formative assessment approach was used. Questions were based on the theme of digital collaboration, which was the focus of the 12-week pilot.

In Journalism, many of the questions are scenario-based and can be used to guide learning activities OR in designing formative or summative assessment. The team developed a bank of Journalism questions categorised explicitly in line with digital affordances/capabilities (Functional, Perceptual, Adaptive). This was intentional, to reinforce the importance of encouraging students to see and express their digital capabilities through these affordance lenses when talking to prospective employers.

UTS Workshop. Drawn by Rocco Fazzari and used with permission.


Surveys Administered

The buttons below link to the surveys administered to students in design and journalism.

Question Banks (Journalism)

Question Bank 1 is an initial version, which is focused on functional and perceptual questions. 

Question Bank 2 shows the evolution of the question bank to include functional, perceptual and adaptive questions.