Project Team

Project Leadership

A/Prof Fiona Peterson

Chief Investigator and Project Lead


As an experienced researcher, teacher and leader in Education, particularly the Creative Arts and Communication, Fiona’s ability to facilitate collaborative cross-disciplinary ventures will help pull expertise together across the project team. Fiona is an expert in developing online collaboration models with industry for student learning across disciplines and cultures. This will help give the project a global industry focus for digital work readiness of graduates.

In addition to her role as the Chief Investigator and Project Lead, Fiona’s experience will see her be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Industry and employability
  • Pedagogy and curriculum
  • Symposium and workshops
  • Analysis and reports

Prof Peter Fray

Institutional Lead


With a wealth of local and international experience as a journalist, editor, entrepreneur and now academic, Peter’s knowledge of the changing media landscape will enable the project to contribute to students’ digital capabilities being better connected with industry requirements and a range of emerging opportunities.

Peter’s experience will see him be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Industry and employability
  • Interviews
  • Pedagogy and curriculum
  • Analysis and reports

Prof Abby Cathcart

Institutional Lead

With substantial Australian and international experience as an award-winning teacher, mentor and researcher in the fields of work and organisation, Abby’s knowledge will play a key role in bringing the focus to the changing work conditions that graduating students need to navigate and thrive in. Abby also brings outstanding insights into the connection between research and industry. With digital technology having a profound impact on organisational life, Abby’s insight from a variety of contexts will be critical.

Abby’s experience will see her be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Industry and employability
  • Interviews
  • Symposium and workshops

Project Team

Prof Margaret Jollands


With substantial experience as a teacher, and researcher in the field of engineering education, Margaret’s knowledge will play a key role in bringing the focus to work placements (and, more generally, work-integrated learning) as a site for the development of digital work practices. Margaret also has significant experience building partnerships with professional associations and industry, which will be invaluable as industry input will take place throughout the life of the project.

Margaret’’s experience will see her be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Industry and employability
  • Academics and students
  • Interviews

DR Philip Pond



Philip’s work integrates computer science and critical theory to study the social production and social influence of digital technologies. Drawing on this experience, Philip will play a key role in developing and refining the conceptual model of digital work practices that will underpin the project’s activities. This model will serve as the glue that allows team members from various disciplines to interact meaningfully throughout the life of the project.

Philip’s expertise will see him be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Digital model
  • Analytics

DR Cathy Lockhart


With experience as an industrial designer, consultancy director, and researcher, Cathy’s expertise will help the project focus on the process of transitioning from education to design practice. Cathy can also lend an understanding of how gender can impact this transition. With the project ultimately aiming to bridge the digital capabilities gap between the classroom and industry, Cathy’s expertise will be invaluable.

Cathy’s experience will see her be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Academics and students (teaching practice)
  • Symposium and workshops

Prof Wageeh Boles


As an experienced, award-winning teacher and researcher in the engineering discipline, Wageeh will bring focus to models that can be used to assess students’ conceptual understandings of digital work practices. Given that the project ultimately hopes to support teaching staff to better understand and assess the digital work practices that their students both have and need, Wageeh’s experience as a researcher of learning and teaching in the space will be pivotal.

Wageeh’s experience will see him be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Academics and students (teaching practice)
  • Pedagogy and curriculum
  • Interviews
  • Analysis and reports

A/PROF Elspeth McKay


With many years local and international experience in the intersecting fields of Instructional Design, Computer Education and Business Information Systems, Elspeth will play a key role in translating the conceptual model underpinning the project into one or more research instruments. This will be shaped by experience with learning analytics that has involved taking a systematic approach to analysing the performance of people and their testing instrumentation using item response theory (IRT).

With strong experience in quantitative methods, Elspeth will drive the following project themes/activities:

  • Industry and employability (particularly survey and data)
  • Digital model and analytics
  • Toolkit and resources



Tom Lee is design theorist and researcher whose work focuses on the experiential dimensions of technology, materials and spaces. Tom is particularly concerned with the distinctive feelings and forms of networked, consumer oriented culture that characterise life in wealthy democracies after WWII. This includes the massive proliferation and diversification of leisure oriented experiences associated with music, food and exercise.

Tom’s research practice and output aims to translate diverse and sometimes abstract perspectives from philosophy and theory into insights that readily mesh with research questions more specifically relevant to academic design practitioners and design research units.

Tom has extensive teaching experience within the university and industry helping designers refine and communicate the key concepts in their work, including communication projects with leading design thinking consultancies.

Tom’s experience will see him be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Academics and students (teaching practice)
  • Educator workshops and resources

Dr Alexandra Crosby


With local and international experience as a visual communication designer, futures mapper and human-centred designer, Alexandra’s knowledge of how to unpack complexity, speculate and articulate futures will help ensure the project is positioned for sustained impact. With both digital affordances and industry landscape changing rapidly, Alexandra will support the translation of project findings into a set of tools and resources that are mindful of how things might change in the short, medium and long term.

Alexandra’s experience will see her be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Interviews
  • Toolkit and resources

DR Penny Williams

Postdoctoral Researcher


Penny combines a background in human resource management, research on the changing nature of work, and experience as a higher education teacher to bring a focus on industry needs and graduate employability skills to the project. Penny will play a key role in gathering and interpreting industry and educator data to inform the project findings.

Penny’s expertise will see her be a major driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Industry and employability
  • Educator survey and reports
  • Symposium and workshops

David Heath

Project Officer

As an experienced social worker and digital media practitioner David will play a key role in translating the various project activities into a set of resources and artefacts that can be used by stakeholders to develop digital work practices. David’s work on previous category 1 funded projects will help shape the way the project engages with the community throughout 2017 and 2018.

As the Project Officer, David will support each of the core project activities.

Dr Ian Rogers


With experience as a teacher, and researcher in his primary field of cultural studies, Ian brings an additional focus on entrepreneurship to the project, drawn from his work in the music industry. As with many industries, digital disruption has profoundly shifted the musical landscape and Ian’s knowledge will help give the project findings a practical focus that connects teaching to industry.

With strong experience in qualitative methods, Ian will provide a core contribution to the following project themes/activities:

  • Symposium and workshops
  • Toolkit and resources

Catherine raffaele


Catherine is Learning Director of EnergyLab where she helps develop educational initiatives to support Clean Tech entrepreneurship, and founder of her own startup. She is an experienced teacher of entrepreneurial learning and capability building in diverse disciplinary contexts, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Her teaching spans entrepreneurship and innovation, sense making, and the changing nature of work and learning. Adaptability and working across disciplines, whilst combining industry and teaching practice, has been a hallmark of her experience at UTS and other universities for several years.

Catherine’s experience will see her be a driver of the following project themes/activities:

  • Academics and students (teaching practice)
  • Educator resources

Ellen Nielsen

PhD Student/Research Assistant


A PhD candidate with the QUT Business School, Ellen’s PhD research into graduate employability in the Creative Industries reflects her keen interest in the relationships between graduates, higher education, and contemporary labour markets.

Ellen’s expertise will allow her to support the following project themes/activities:

  • Graduate employability
  • Educator survey and reports
  • Industry workshops and reports
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