This page contains all the resources that you need to run the OSA plugin and example workflows.


OSA Plugin
Github Link  32/64-bit
 KNIME Analytics Platform for Windows (installer)  32/64-bit
 KNIME Analytics Platform for Windows (zip archive)  32/64-bit
 KNIME Analytics Platform for Linux  32/64-bit
KNIME Analytics Platform for Mac OSX (10.7 and above)  32/64-bit
Python 2.7
 Python 2.7 Windows x86 MSI installer  32-bit
 Python 2.7 Windows x86-64 MSI installer  64-bit
 Python 2.7 for Mac OS X 10.5 and later  32/64-bit
 Alternate 2.7 Python packages for Linux/Unix  32/64-bit
GDAL (required for raster operations)
 GDAL core Windows x86 MSI installer 32/64-bit
 GDAL Python bindings installer 32/64-bit
 GDAL 1.11 for Linux, Mac OS X 10.5 and later 32/64-bit
 GDAL 2 core for Linux, Mac OS X 10.5 and later 32/64-bit
Geotools Integration

Combo Geospatial bindings installer for Windows

(please note that this Installer installs Python, GDAL, and GDAL bindings)

Mac Script  32/64-bit
Linux Script
Helloworld Workflow
 Helloworld Workflow (.knwf file) knm file
 Helloword Data Sources  zip file
GA Workflow
GA Workflow (.knwf file)  knm file
GA Data Sources (13 surveys)  zip file