The basic Python distribution is not shipped with the geo-processing modules bundled with GDAL. As such, after installation of Python and the GDAL, the relevant geo-processing Python bindings needs to be installed.

One advanced feature of the GDAL Python bindings not found in the other  language bindings (such as C#, Perl) is integration with the Python numerical array facilities. For instance, the gdal.Dataset.ReadAsArray() method can be used to read raster  data as numerical arrays, ready to use with the Python numerical array  capabilities. More information about these bindings can be found here.

GDAL bindings examples

The script is an example of GDAL Python bindings, which takes the paths of the GeoTIFFs you want to combine as inputs and creates a single GeoTIFF as output. If you do not specify a filename with the -o option, the script will save the result as out.tif: image1.tif image2.tif -o merged.tif

 Another example is by which you can extract polygons from a raster: input.tif  -f "GeoJSON" output.json

For more example, visit the gdal-cheat-sheet.