What is a workflow?

A workflow is built by dragging nodes from the Node Repository onto the Workflow Editor and connecting them. Nodes are the basic processing units of a workflow. All KNIME workflows are displayed in the Workflow Projects view. The status of the workflow is indicated by an icon showing whether the workflow is closed, idle, executing or if execution is complete.

How to import a workflow?

You can import a workflow either from a different workspace or from a zip file, e.g. if the workflow was exported from KNIME. The import wizard is either opened from the menu “File -> Import KNIME Workflow” or by opening the context menu in the workflow projects view and selecting “Import KNIME workflow“.

Select the root directory if you want to import workflows from another workspace. Select the archive file option if you want to browse to the zipped workflow. Select the workflows you want to import. If a workflow with the same name already exists in your current workspace you can rename the imported one on the next page of the wizard. By clicking OK the project is imported to your workspace.

The following video show you quickly how to create your first workflow.