Establishes and opens a database access connection to which the entire input table is written to. If the optional input is connected the database connection information is taken from the port, otherwise you need to specify the connection information in the dialog. Make sure you have your vendor-specific database driver registered in the KNIME preference page (section Database Driver). By default, the sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver (Windows and Linux) is only available.

Dialog Options

Database Driver

Enter the database driver here; it is a Java class (including the package path), for example: sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver Additional driver can be registered via KNIME’s preference page (Database Driver).

Database URL

Enter the database name here, for example: jdbc:odbc:database_name or jdbc:mysql://host:port/database_name.

Workflow Credentials

If checked, the credentials (user and password) are used as defined on the workflow. The credential name links to the specified user and password. Those can be replaced or edit using the ‘Workflow Credentials’ menu available in the workflow context menu.


Your log-in user name for the database.


Your log-in password for the database. Note, the password is de- and encrypted before handling it internally and is not stored inside the settings.


Select the TimeZone to convert the date, time or timestamp field into. The current implementation can’t represent time zones. In order to support persisting those fields into a database, the time values can be changed according to the selected time zone, which is used as the offset (including the daylight saving time) for the original values: No Correction (use UTC) is used for workflows (created before 2.8) and doesn’t apply any correction, Use local TimeZone uses the local time zone offset to correct the date field before reading or writing, and TimeZone: allows selecting the time zone to covert the date values into.

Allow spaces in column names

Some databases do not allow whitespace characters in column names. If your database supports spaces in column names you can enable this option. Otherwise whitespace characters will be replaced by underscores.


Enter the name of the table to which data should be written. Note, if this table exists, the table is dropped before writing.

Append Data

Check this to append the input data to an existing table with the same data structure. If the table does not exist a new one will be created. Note, if this box is unchecked an existing table is dropped before execution of this node.

Insert null for missing columns

Check this option to force KNIME to insert null into all database columns that are not present in the KNIME input table. This option is only available if the append data option is selected.


Input Port

0   Table with data to write into database.

1  An optional database connection that should be used instead of providing the connection information in the dialog. (optional).

Output Port

0   TG:A database JDBC connection.

Further Details


PostGIS Operations

Batch Size

Enter a number greater than 0 for the number of rows written in one batch job; 1 means on row at a time