Recipient of the RMIT Ceramic Student Association Club Year 3 Award.


Lily Lindsay is a ceramic artist who makes both functional and sculptural artworks. Her figurative work uses myth, symbolism, and motifs to express personal memories and lived experience.

Her current artwork explores a reflective gratitude and love for life post COVID-19, initially captured in a series of photographs taken over the summer of 2022. The series of work expresses the breakthrough feelings of once again being emerged in laughter, friendship, nature, and the joy of dancing at festivals.


Using the technique of saggar firing, the ceramic forms, along with organic materials, are placed in a sealed chamber. During the firing process, carbon and minerals from the clay, and materials are absorbed into and onto the surface of the clay, creating unpredictable colours and textures. The controlled and contained combustible atmosphere is symbolic of the tension experienced throughout lockdowns, emerging into a breaking free from that time and a rebirthed nurturing of life, symbolised through the form of the egg.







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Lily Lindsay