The Video & Sound art studio includes the study of works that use duration and/or the manipulation of time as an essential element such as video, animation, sound art, web-art, live art, installation and performance.
Anna of Pearl
OBJECTIFIED SWANS Through the lens of a sexual fantasy featuring the feminine within a 70s kitsch-pornographic-inspired environment, Objectified Swans attempts to undermine female binaries and expose them to be patriarchal weapons adopted to suppress a woman’s sexual
Darcy Lazarus
THE VERY STATE I am Darcy Lazarus and tonight, you are my voyeur. They are listening to you. While you’re on the phone to your Mum, engaging in half-whispered pillow talk or speaking to your cat in a nauseating
Daria Niall
POINT OF VIEW (musing from previous years of art school) I can see the internet as a machine that has already swallowed us all whole. The internet then spews over itself, reformulating its own contents to produce more—feeding itself on
Hanieh Khamisi
WOMAN, LIFE, FREEDOM The ‘Woman, Life, Freedom’ movement started as a result of the death of a young Iranian girl named Mahsa Amini who was sentenced to death by the morality police because of not following the dress codes. The
Ieesha Wild
WHAT CAME FIRST; THE GIRL OR THE BODY is an exploration into what makes us who we are. It is an insight into my own personal being, an answer to the question; ‘am I my own person, or am I
Jakub Stadnik
IMAGINATIVE EXPLORATION OF CREATIVITY is an interactive video installation that explores the potential of our imagination and the human ability to think. Through the use of video projection, sculptural objects and audience participation, I invite my viewer to join the
Jesse Mahoney
TRUSTWORTHY WEBSITE is an online interactive installation. It responds to the user’s actions by presenting satirical content through retro graphics, images, and rhetorical texts. These features contain misinformation to arouse suspicion and existential questions on the nature of internet navigation
Joe McIntyre
DUBBININ is an abstract video work that explores the cyclical, interdependent relationship that video has to sound. The piece employs abstraction and psychedelic imagery to capture the spirit of the similarly spacey soundtrack. This inseparable combination culminates in unfamiliar, interplanetary
Joyce Lee Yue Ling
MY BODY, MY POETRY The focus of My Body, My Poetry is the exploration of my Chinese culture with a focus on themes relating to loneliness and gender empowerment. The work employs photographing and capturing video footage of body movement
Katelyn Ferencz
BODY AS MACHINE THOUGHT: Human as mechanistic component in a network, human as network, networks within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within networks, within
Levi Warren
The Moat Bar Awards for excellence in Video and Drawing. THE BEAUTY & THE TERROR My practice marries cinematic and illustrative elements in the pursuit of elevating both, as I explore communication, storytelling and an interrogation of modern romanticism. I
Lillian Ophelia Deacon
Dean’s Award for creative accomplishment Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art). EMBRACING YOUR VANISHED SHADE is an exploration of memory, nostalgia, and the intricate interplay of emotions through an interdisciplinary lens. My project blends photographic prints on fabric, poetry, sound, and
Lloyd Collidge
MADAME BUTTERFLY—a highly distorted interpretation of Puccini’s opera by the same name—is a short film revolving around Madame Butterfly, who is living in self-imposed exile inside a magical cocoon on the top of a faraway mountain. The heroic knight who
Mayah Eden Lasky
Mayah Eden Lasky, also known as ‘Melasko’, is a multidisciplinary artist based in Naarm. Primarily exhibiting photography, film, and video installation, her work deconstructs stereotypes and misconceptions by employing a socially-engaged documentary practice. Recently, she has delved into topics such
Melissa Paul
SCUM ANGEL is an ode to the symbology of the bat. In a collaboration with artist and peer Anna Pearl, we created an installation which imitated a bats lair. Cages, poetry, paintings and objects in combination with screens
Mia Harrison
SURRENDER TO A DREAM Large scale installation, sound, sculpture, & video. I have reflected on my experience of a reoccurring fever dream experienced in my childhood. The dream entailed me as a child, in miniature scale, in my parents’ basin,
Obi Herron
Sunday Smith
SWALLOW is a single-channel experimental short film created as an exploration of the cinematic psychological thriller and horror genre to engage with the discomfort of the self, exposing the deafening fear of being alone. The film blends the horror of
Will Aronsten-Whytcross
RIBS AND STARS is a series of painting works that bring together abstraction, figurative work and symbolism to explore contemporary ontology, spirituality and existentialism. This body of work considers the questions: ‘What knowledge, intuitions and instincts have outlived all traditions, institutions
Yuzhen Lu
DYING BUT ALIVE IN THE FALSE WORLD Reborn—Can The Cyber God release souls of Bionic Ghosts from purgatory? This project focuses on cyberculture and contemporary beliefs regarding spirits and ghosts, expressed through the medium of an immersive space.