Recipient of the Sunshine Print Artspace & Open Bite Student Association Graduate Award.


STRATA reflects on the relationship between place and identity as a means of reconciling my immigrant experience. Utilising stone lithography and installation, I explore the concept of ‘hybrid’ or ‘abstract’ landscapes that can connect one place to another through (deep) time and space and considers how these surreal places can exist within an entity; human or non-human.

Stretching from the primordial to the contemporary, the limestone matrix has been a silent witness to shifting landscapes over millennia. It can be reasoned that the limestone itself is a displaced body, as I am. Yet its very existence is a composition of all these past landscapes, from its beginnings in the Solnhofen to the print studio it exists in now. By highlighting the matrix’s unique relationship to place, I seek to have a more abstract discussion regarding how diaspora, gentrification and environmental decline are shifting the way we relate to place.


Maria Flores, studio view 2022.


Maria Flores, Primordial, 2022, lithograph on Fabriano Rosapina paper.


Maria Flores, Untitled [installation view], 2022, lithographs on Hanhnemuhlen paper.
Maria Flores, studio view 2022.


Maria Flores, stone surface [detail], 2022.

Maria Flores, stone surface [detail], 2022.

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Maria Flores