Recipient of the Print Studio Experimental Print Award.


REWILDING THE GALLERY SETTING: Nurturing connection with the natural world

Rewilding, as a general term, refers to the reintroduction of flora into spaces from which it has become absent. Through print-informed processes, this project seeks to explore the expression of a rewilded gallery space. In re-contextualising floral imagery and forms to merge with an existing gallery space, this project aims to foster connection and draw attention to the relationship between the wild fragility of the natural world, and ourselves. 


Close up of installation of 'Left Untended' Installation of lithographs on rice paper Drying chin colle prints


The process of rewilding can be either carried out through human intention, or be driven by nature. Throughout this project, I have taken inspiration from imagery of fungi, mosses and lichen, organisms which are often overlooked within our environments. The displacement of this imagery within the manicured space of the gallery environment posits the idea that if given time, these organic elements would grow of their own volition.


Studio space Tracing paper cut outsMixing inks

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Mya Cook