Elements of thought relating to the passage of time circulate with a focus gravitating towards human connection, relation and experience. In recognising the connection and collection of moments we share through solidarity and commonality, an exploration of mark-making, materiality and abstraction forms this body of work. Through working intuitively with monochromatic abstraction, the intent behind this work is to evoke an emotive response and reaction from the viewer. The lack of representation allows the viewer to explore their own thoughts and curiosities, questioning what they’re reading, what they’re thinking, and how they’re feeling. I invite the viewer to be present with the work as well as with themselves, not dissimilar to the way in which I produce the works.


Stephanie Jook is an artist based in Naarm, Melbourne, working with the notions of time, movement and connection. Incorporating this with a multi-disciplinary approach, her practice involves the exploration of emotive response and reaction through mark-making, materiality and abstraction.

Studio Set Up
Studio view, 2022.

T&M : pt.1
Stephanie Jook, T&M : pt.1, 2022.

T&T : pt.2
Stephanie Jook, T&M : pt.2, 2022.

T&T : pt.3
Stephanie Jook, T&M : pt.3, 2022.

Con_En : pt.2
Stephanie Jook, Con_En : pt.2, 2022.

Con_En : pt.2
Stephanie Jook, Con_En : pt.2, 2022.

Con_En : pt.2
Stephanie Jook, Con_En : pt.2, 2022.

T M C : pt.1
Stephanie Jook, T M C : pt.1, 2022.

Stephanie Jook, T M C : pt.1, 2022.

Stephanie Jook, T M C : pt.1, 2022.

T M C : pt.1
Stephanie Jook, T M C : pt.1, 2022.


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Stephanie Jook