Shifting colours move through bands of blues and violets with a shimmer of red. The atmosphere becomes dusky as the large fabric installation lights up: iridescent silky silver-blue flows from above, mingling with a veil of lilac. Sinuous silvery plant-like forms glimmer and seem to grow within. I am suspended before this sheer curtain and some other space—moving through now—but brought back just as quickly to the material. Stitches run across it, threads dangle and tangle and the translucent fabric draws in elements of the hazy room. Between here and there.
My practice is concerned with the ways interstitial and ephemeral states are experienced in the more-than-human world. Through painting, photography and immersive installation I aim to capture the way a sensory encounter with the combined elements of air, water and light can momentarily evoke an alternate quality of being. Drawing on both my Chinese and European heritage, my work seeks new form at the intersection of these traditions.