LESS OF AN INTERNAL MONOLOGUE MORE A PATCHY CONFERENCE CALL is a body of work that seeks to understand and connect with others, through the exploration of my own inner workings.
As a woman with ADHD, my works are inevitably a scattered externalisation of thoughts, feelings, and concepts—anything that I find that resonates—in an attempt to foster an intimate connection between the viewer and the work. I ultimately seek to have the audience see themselves in my work, creating a para-social intimacy through the use of humour and irony, my own confessions, & cultural references.
My process involves exploring text as a tool for accessibility, and its limits, as well as the inclusion of low-brow media and nostalgia in combination with the relevant concepts, reframing these accepted values as a tool to encourage a critical examination of our own social and internal worlds.
I am very present in my works, I use my own hypocrisies, shortcomings, embarrassments, and confessions at the forefront in my own works. I don’t believe in any mysterious hierarchy around the concept of ‘the artist’. I do not seek to scrutinise the viewers, I primarily want to explore myself in the hopes it encourages you to do the same.