a material exploration of blood quantum discourse in a decolonial context
Ko Ngongotaha te maunga (Ngongotaha is my mountain)
Ko Rotorua te roto (Rotorua is my lake)
Ko Te Arawa te waka (Te Arawa is my canoe)
Ko Ngāti Whakaue te iwi (Ngāti Whakaue is my tribe)
My current practice engages in ideas relating to the reclamation of culture in a personal context, whilst considering the colonial notion of blood quantum and the effect it may have on generational disconnect within families. Through my works, I consider intersections of indigenous identity markers and the confusion that colonial versions of said markers may cause for those who have experienced cultural loss. My practice exists in a symbiotic relationship with the current cultural education/reclamation process I am undertaking, each element supporting the growth of the other. It is also of value to my practice and cultural growth to consider each work as Taonga (a precious, object, person, place etc.) and therefore to understand the space it holds within my personal context but also the broader cultural discourse.

Hattie Pervan