WHAT CAME FIRST; THE GIRL OR THE BODY is an exploration into what makes us who we are. It is an insight into my own personal being, an answer to the question; ‘am I my own person, or am I just a culmination of everything that I have ever consumed?’ This project will be a culmination of everything that I once cherished as a little girl, and all the things that I cherish now. A celebration of girlhood.
In my experience, when dealing with matters that delve into who I am as a person, I tend to shy away. I feel as though it can be frightening to come to terms with knowing yourself, and then actually liking yourself. Making this piece has been and will continue to be very therapeutic for me, as it has made me analyse key parts of myself, and has brought attention to things that I have come to love. This whole process has me recognising that my experience with girlhood and my youth, and the pop culture that I consumed during the time, is all that I am. I have no personality outside of the movies and the books that I cherished as a child, or did I just recognise the similarities between myself and the characters? I’ll never really know, but I’m starting to like the process.