Recipient of the Print Studio Experimental Print Award.


These are some of my first bioplastic samples which when held up to the light glow and show their colour. Image credit: Lê Nguyên Phương


This project is an investigation into how I can create a more sustainable printmaking practice by making a relief block that is infinitely recyclable. A lino block is a thick flat material, that once carved into reveals an image in relief which can be printed onto a substrate (usually a piece of paper) in order to make an image. When you carve a lino block you carve away small bits of material which are discarded. Once the image is printed, the lino block is also thrown away. I hope this project inspires others to reconsider an aspect of their own art practice and investigate a way to make it more sustainable. This project started as an exploration into making bioplastics, and in the end has resulted in a printing block which can be infinitely remelted and remade into a new block.



Inking and printing the samples like a relief block was important in determining what worked with the samples and what needed to be improved upon. Image credit: Lê Nguyên Phương


I printed the less flat samples with an old etching blanket so I didn’t damage the press. Image credit: Lê Nguyên Phương


These are prints of the first of my samples. They look like seaweed and others often think they are seaweed not bioplastic! Image credit: Lê Nguyên Phương

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Vivienne Adeney