‘Because desire is full of endless distance. Blue is the colour of longing for the distances you never arrive in, for the blue world.’ — Rebecca Solnit

Blue, representing distance, searching, melancholy, warmth, memory and dreams recurs in this series of works.
My art practice explores the expression of human emotion through figurative painting and contemporary forms, including sculptural and paper works.
I believe that artistic creation should be faithful to the inner spirit and the themes of longing, love, memories, and dreams drive the series Deep Blue.
Painted images are combined, linked, and explored with a sense of physical touch through sculpture.
Portraits of women merge with feminine symbols such as clouds, flowers, water to describe dreams and memories. Dreams represent the dualisms of reality and fantasy, past and present, comfort and pain—our desires and fears in life. Drawing on the collage technique often explored in Pop Art, I reinterpreted images with specific cultural significance to explore the expression of women’s emotional world and the links to history and the present.
Gypsum and translucent materials are used in the sculpture to create a sense of illusion, and a dream state. The distance, space, and light generated by the object wrapped under the outer cover create space for imagining.
I am concerned with the ambiguity and richness of language, the interpretation of two different cultures, the humanity, illusory and historical nature of the story itself, and I hope the viewer interpretation further extends the life of the works themselves.