I am not obsessed with weddings. Nor am I obsessed with men. My art practice is the opposite. I am interested in sexuality, performance and failure. I do this for myself and for other women in my position. I have been given this task to speak, be loud. Do not interrupt me. I cannot stop until I have said everything I need to say. You say my art is a waste, I say it is necessary. This is a heavy process for me. I cannot rest. 

This project revolves around ideas of failed feminism, failed lesbianism and the neo-burlesque – combining ideas of sexuality, performance and failure. It explores ideas of failure through the performance of self, and is a reflection on harmful societal structures we are inevitably raised into. I dissect ideas of nonconformity, anticapitalist practices and non-reproductive lifestyles while critiquing and protesting traditional ways of thinking. As a relational practice, I  create works with performativity in mind. Audience interaction is pivotal and interpretation is left open. 

instagram: @3mgaule


Emily Gaule, Studio, 2023


Studio Shot
Emily Gaule, Studio, 2023


Don't Step On My Work
Emily Gaule, ‘Don’t Step On My Work’, 2023, acrylic spray paint on lace
Studio Shot
Emily Gaule, in studio, 2023


Leather Lace Hair Blood
Emily Gaule, ‘Leather Lace Hair Blood’, 2023, found fabric, leather, tampons, acrylic paint and lamp shade














































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Emily Gaule