I am a multimedia sculptural and installation-based artist living in Naarm. I will soon be graduating with a Bachelor of Fine Art in Sculpture from RMIT. I have been a part of many group exhibitions in Melbourne and regional Victoria and have been a finalist in the Yering Station Sculpture Awards three times.

My process involves experimenting with the materiality of specific sites and frequently includes casting or imprinting. I have a multimedia practice and enjoy employing contrasting materials, such as metal or found objects with silicon, fabric, resin or video in my installations. My intention is to create work referencing domestic architectural spaces or infrastructure networks that generates a visceral response in the viewer by including elements associated with a personal or collective memory of the place.

My work REMEMBER ME explores the concept of place as a powerful permanent container of collective
memory. Within the artwork, the attic space of a home is investigated with reference to an historical
family secret kept there. It describes the collective attempts to make sense of that secret. From the ceiling clues hang, extending from the attic manhole to hover above or lightly touch fragments of memory on the floor. In the process of investigation I explore the theme of women’s work and interrogate the agency that women have had over their own bodies, an agency which continues to be challenged. I include abject elements to represent the vulnerability of the female narrative.

instagram: @loisbashamsculpture

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Lois Basham