THE STAIR, AND THE STAIR is a sculptural installation that mimics the shape of an RMIT staircase. The work is a presentation of a section of the stair through the eyes of the artist’s mode of thought. The stair is a space designed to move from one level to another, an in-between – it is a transitional space in a state of movement, something we cannot retain. The sculpture seeks to extrapolate and capture the meaning of this as a still entity.
The encounter is unclear: the sculpture presents a functional structure, yet it has its own autonomy, which is sustained through the unconventionality. A stair that cannot be used.
My practice is a conceptual investigation into the structures of the built world, mimicking them and re-contextualising them in the gallery. A central concern of my practice is to choose sites that I encounter on a regular basis, I integrate myself into the work seeking to deduct meaning from this encounter.

An investigation into the physical qualities of the site; studio 1 in building 37 at RMIT. The wood and the steel wire follow and reject the space, combined they propose a new language of the space.
instagram: @tullyrosev