Dee Robinson, ‘Little boats’, 2023, titanium. Photo: Tilly Parsons


Dee Robinson, ‘Port ships 1′, 2023, copper, silver, timber, enamel paint. Photo: Tilly Parsons
Dee Robinson, ‘Port ships 2′, 2023, copper, silver, timber, enamel paint. Photo: Tilly Parsons
Dee Robinson, ‘Port ships 3′, 2023, copper, silver, timber, enamel paint. Photo: Tilly Parsons



In my creative practice I have explored theories of flow, play, and the relationship between making with memory and place. I combine these concepts by fabricating a fleet of vessels, using traditional gold and silversmithing techniques. Each vessel represents someone special to me. The repetitive process is a labour of love, testing my skill and perseverance.

My current work embodies the significance of place through object representation which contain an essence and connection of that place.  Incorporating a copious number of vessels considers the interplay between containment of memory and the many relationships and experiences which imprint upon it.


Dee Robinson, 2023 Photo: Tilly Parsons



Dee’s interest is merging the traditions of ancient craft with contemporary form. Her work contains themes of memory, nostalgia, play and process-led practice.

Dee is a Melbourne-based metalsmith exploring larger scale objects including vessels and hollow ware. She has owned a creative workshop in Melbourne. Dee has completed a Diploma in Jewellery and Objects at Melbourne Polytechnic prior to commencing her Fine Arts Degree at RMIT.

instagram: @deerobinson_art

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Dee Robinson