My artistic practice centers on printmaking, focusing on artist books and sculptural art objects inspired by the natural world and the dynamics of human-animal relationships. This project is inspired by my pet python, Plantbeetle, and the negative reactions I often receive when I talk about him.

In this concertina book, I explore the delicate beauty of snakes by tracing their natural patterns through cyanotype, a medium historically used to document life with natural materials. Using shed snake skin I’m able to expose the patterns and  textures of his scales, highlighting the delicacy and complexity of these creatures. The concertina structure of the book unfolds to nearly match Plantbeetle’s length, featuring layers of skin sheds collected over four years. Each fold reveals unique patterns and sizes, drawing attention to the natural variations within a single snake’s life.

Through this work, I hope viewers come to see the mystery and fragility of these reptiles in a new light. I aim to inspire a deeper appreciation for the snakes we share Australia with, encouraging viewers to take time to learn more about snake safety and identification, and perhaps foster a sense of coexistence with these often-misunderstood animals. This project would not be possible without assistance from Plantbeetle, who deserves partial credit for his work in my final installation.




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Rain Richardson ☂