Walk through the desert for 1000 miles. Feel the steps of your body as you do, the shift of your clothes as they brush against your body. Your truest protection against the beating sun that betrays no cardinal directions at midday. Who is here with you? What do you see out here? Strange things, surely. As this is a strange world. Welcome.

Creating narratives set in strange, liminal environments populated by mysterious figures and out of place animals, Tallulah Ainsworth sets out to capture the experience of finding one’s place in the world. Navigating relationships with others and the deep, complex interpersonal bonds that make life worth living. Her fantastical lupine figures aim to convey a raw depth of emotion and explore the psychological connection between animals and humans. She combines textile work with oil painting and ceramics to bring her uncanny worlds to life, immersing the viewer in new narratives that connect to the characters within.




Tallulah Ainsworth