WILD COMBINATION focuses on the act of ‘authoring’ and ready-made simulacra. Wild Combination reflects on the immateriality of memory, the arduous effort of capturing them and the difficulty and romance of remembering. Part installation, part sculpture, part confessional, part ‘screenplay’ the work explores notions of fiction and reality, a binary that has become increasingly blurry in modern life, where everybody is able to curate their own image and tell it not necessarily how it was, but how they might have wished it happened.

Working across video, sound, sculpture, installation and painting Jermaine Ibarra makes vignettes, readymade allusions to childhood, half jokes and half truths, candid reactions to modern mechanisms, evocations of first loves, anachronistic sculptures. Creating objects that mourn, that laugh, that scream.
His work is concerned with the racial, colonial and classist structures that uphold modern life, while also examining the effects these structures have on the individual, looking to the inward emotional world, peeling back the layers that are yet to be pulled to the surface and situating his practice through the act of centring the things that are forced to exist outside the margins.
Ibarra’s work is equally as diverse in the references and allusions it makes as it is materially diverse. Pulling indiscriminately from the mundane, the mass produced, previous art history, the internet as well as the personal to form the basis of his work. Through this bricolage of allusion, he looks to understand the ‘parts’ of his work through understanding how they interact as a ‘whole’.