My current work comes together through a combination of observing my everyday and my inner thoughts and then turning them into oil paintings. I do this by capturing my surroundings with photos taken on my phone, and by using text which comes from thoughts, feelings and conversations I’ve had, which I record in my notes. I combine these elements to create realistic paintings of urban landscapes and interiors. Texts are subtly embedded in these paintings, disrupting the context of the original photographs.


Natalie In Studio
Natalie in the studio.
'This is so Fucked up' July, 2022 Oil on 30 x45cm Plywood
Natalie Grace Daskalou, This is so Fucked up, 2022, oil on plywood, 30cm x 45cm.
Work in progress, oil on 30cm x 45cm Marine Plywood
Natalie Grace Daskalou, Work in progress, 2022, oil on marine plywood, 30cm x 45cm.

Natalie's Studio Space

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Natalie Grace Daskalou